Bairong Shen

Bairong Shen, Ph.D.

Executive Dean, Institutes for Systems Genetics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University


教授、博导,华西医院系统遗传研究院执行院长。1997年博士毕业于复旦大学;2004年任芬兰坦佩雷大学助理教授;2006年任同济大学教授;2008年担任任苏州大学系统生物学研究中心主任。2018年07月作为第一层次人才进入四川大学,担任华西医院系统遗传研究院执行院长,近年主持国家级项目10多项、发表研究论文100多篇、申请专利和软件注册权5项。2012年以来在国际上倡导转化生物医学信息学,为该领域国际知名专家,主要研究兴趣为1)构建基因功能网络和系统的技术与理论; 2)疾病本体构建与应用;3)生物标记物发现的理论、模型和应用;4)复杂疾病的分子机制和智能健康管理等。

Translational sensor informatics with application to cardiovascular diseases

In recent years, various levels of biomedical data, such as omics data, intestinal microflora ecological data, and physiological data collected by sensors, have accumulated rapidly. This provides an opportunity for us to collect dynamic and personalized information as phenotypic data for comprehensive understanding of complex diseases; this integration of genotypic and phenotypic data can be applied to early prediction and prevention of disease and therefore promote the paradigm shift of disease treatment to health management. I will summarize the physiological signals detected by the wearable sensors, the sharing of large physiological data, the mining methods of disease related patterns, their application in personalized diagnosis and treatment. At last I will illustrate the application of the paradigm of "physiological phenotype - early disease prediction" with application to monitoring of cardiovascular diseases.