Sandro de Souza

Sandro de Souza, Ph.D.

Professor & Director, Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary Environment (BioME) & Brain Institute, The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)

巴西北里奥格兰德联邦大学大脑研究所主任、教授,巴西基因组学和生物信息学研究先驱和国际知名学者。在哈佛大学期间获得Pew Latin American Fellow奖项, 2009年获得世界经济论坛的“Young Global Leader”。发表140多篇论文,引用超过两千多次。

Translational opportunities for cancer/testis genes

The development of immunotherapeutic strategies has revolutionized cancer treatment. In spite of the success, one limitation is the development of resistance due to the genetic heterogeneity of tumors. This raises the need for the development of new strategies, like vaccines, involving different targets.
Cancer/testis (CT) genes are interesting targets for immunotherapeutic approaches due to their restricted expression to testis among normal tissues. In my talk I will discuss a genome-wide strategy used by us to identify and characterize hundreds of cancer/testis genes in 15 different types of tumors. Furthermore, we developed a method to associate the expression of CT genes to several clinical parameters. By associating the expression of CTs to overall survival and CD8+ infiltration, we identify promising targets for vaccines in several cancer targets. Finally, I will discuss other clinical applications of CT genes to oncology.


