
Local Organizers

Soochow University

Taicang Center for Translational Bioinformatics

Key laboratory of Systems biology, CAS

QIAGEN (Suzhou)
Translational Medicine Center

Suzhou Industrial Park
Institute Of Services Outsourcing


Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNET)



full paper

Full Paper Submission Information

Time Description
Feb 1 - Mar 31 April 30, 2013 Deadline for Full paper submission
May 15 - 31 June 1 - 10, 2013 Author notifications for full paper submissions
  Full paper conditional acceptance
  Deadline for full paper final submission and author registration
  Deadline for Breakout session proposal
  Full paper final acceptance

1. Full Paper Submission Information

Full paper submissions will be accepted through EasyChair:


Re-submissions are allowed within one week of paper upload.

1.1 Covering letter for full paper submissions

All submitting authors are required to submit together with the manuscript a covering letter to the EasyChair website.

In the covering letter, the corresponding author should provide full contact details: complete mailing address, telephone and fax contact numbers and e-mail address(es). The corresponding author must certify that the work submitted is original and has not been submitted elsewhere for publication. Furthermore, if accepted, the corresponding author must agree to pay in full, the stipulated article processing charges as well as reformat the accepted version of the manuscript in accordance with the journal requirements and upload the final version of the manuscript to EasyChair by the stipulated deadline.

The corresponding author should also certify that no part of the manuscript has been reproduced from another copyrighted source, without permission or proper attribution, or has been inappropriately used, in order to avoid possible plagiarism or self-plagiarism issues. We recommend watching an ACS Publications (American Chemical Society) video (http://pubs.acs.org/page/publish-research/episode-5.html). We further recommend that the authors kindly check the originality of their manuscript using any standard online anti-plagiarism software tool. After acceptance, the corresponding author should re-word their manuscript to comply with originality check requirements.

Example Template Declaration to be included in the covering letter.

"We, the Authors collectively and individually declare that to their best ability, they have ensured that the submission made herein, including the main paper, supplementary data, deposited data, database entries, software code, does not contain any plagiarized material, content or ideas, and that all necessary attributions have been appropriately made and all copyright permissions obtained, cited and acknowledged."

In addition, the covering letter should address the following five questions:

  1. What scientific /methodology problem has been addressed?
  2. Which published work of the past 12 months is related to the scientific /methodology problem addressed in the submitted paper.
  3. Which reported findings are crucial to solve the problem?
  4. Are these findings novel?
  5. What impact has the reported finding in the subject area as well as among wider community of biological and biomedical researchers?

Manuscripts that do not correspond with the prescribed format of the selected journal will not be reviewed. If unacceptable after review, the authors may be offered the opportunity to transfer the manuscript to another journal for an independent re-review. For example, a borderline 'accept' manuscript submitted to BMC Genomics and BMC Bioinformatics might be recommended for re-submission and re-review to InCoB2013 for publication in Bioinformation. The covering letter should be uploaded as a PDF, Word or Text file to EasyChair using the File text box in the Upload paper section.

1.2 Journal Choices

Authors have the following submission choices:

1.2.1 BMC Genomics (http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcgenomics/)

All aspects of genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, proteomics, "big data" and "giga" science are considered.

Instructions for BMC Genomics authors


Research article




Methodology article




Please read the descriptions of each of the article types, choose which is appropriate for your article and structure the manuscript accordingly. If in doubt, your manuscript should be formatted as a Research article.

Please create a single PDF file for review using the BMC Genomics Microsoft manuscript template (http://www.biomedcentral.com/download/templates/BMC153n.dot Mac and Windows compatible; Microsoft Word 98/2000), containing the complete manuscript including references, tables and figure legends and all figures (one per page). A ZIP compressed file containing this PDF and additional files, if any should be uploaded to EasyChair, using the Attachment upload utility in the Upload paper section.

Accepted papers will be collectively published in a supplementary (InCoB conference) issue. Article-processing charges (APC) might be discounted, depending on negotiations with BioMed Central. However, for conference supplements, institutional or developing country discounts are not available. The InCoB organizers will collect APC and transfer them in bulk to BioMed Central. For details and waivers see Frequently asked questions about BioMed Central's article-processing charges (http://www.biomedcentral.com/info/about/apcfaq).

A few manuscripts that are not accepted in the BMC Genomics supplement may be offered publication in Bioinformation, after suitable reformatting. If authors accept this offer, a manuscript following the author guidelines for Bioinformation (http://www.bioinformation.net/journal/instructions.htm) should be submitted to EasyChair, using the Attachment text box under the Upload paper section. In this case, authors are also required to pay the journal's APC, as required

1.2.2 BMC Bioinformatics

BMC Bioinformatics (http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcbioinformatics) considers all aspects of the development, testing and novel application of computational and statistical methods for the modeling and analysis of all kinds of biological data, as well as other areas of computational biology.

Instructions for BMC Bioinformatics authors


Research article




Methodology article




Please read the descriptions of each of the article types, choose which is appropriate for your article and structure it accordingly. If in doubt, your manuscript should be formatted as a Research article. Create a single PDF file for review using the BMC Bioinformatics manuscript template (http://www.biomedcentral.com/download/templates/BMC153n.dot Mac and Windows compatible; Microsoft Word 98/2000), containing the complete manuscript (including references, tables and figure legends) and all figures (one per page). A zip file containing this PDF and additional files, if any should be uploaded to EasyChair, using the Attachment text box in the Upload paper section.

Accepted papers will be collectively published in a supplementary (InCoB conference) issue. Article-processing charges (APC) might be discounted, depending on negotiations with BioMed Central. However, for conference supplements, institutional or developing country discounts are not available. The InCoB organizers will collect APC and transfer them in bulk to BioMed Central. For details and waivers see Frequently asked questions about BioMed Central's article-processing charges (http://www.biomedcentral.com/info/about/apcfaq).

A few manuscripts that are not accepted in the BMC Bioinformatics supplement may be offered publication in Bioinformation, after suitable reformatting. If authors accept this offer, a manuscript following the author guidelines for Bioinformation: (http://www.bioinformation.net/journal/instructions.htm) should be submitted to EasyChair, using the Attachment text box under the Upload paper section. In this case, authors are also required to pay the journal's APC, as required.

1.2.3 BMC Systems Biology

BMC Systems Biology (http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcsystbiol/) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on experimental and theoretical aspects of the function of biological systems at the molecular, cellular or organismal level, in particular those addressing the engineering of biological systems, network modeling, quantitative analyses and the integration of different levels of information.

Instructions for BMC Systems Biology authors


Research article




Methodology article




Please read the descriptions of each of the article types, choose which is appropriate for your article and structure it accordingly. If in doubt, your manuscript should be formatted as a Research article. Create a single PDF file for review using the BMC Bioinformatics manuscript template (http://www.biomedcentral.com/download/templates/BMC153n.dot Mac and Windows compatible; Microsoft Word 98/2000), containing the complete manuscript (including references, tables and figure legends) and all figures (one per page). A zip file containing this PDF and additional files, if any should be uploaded to EasyChair, using the Attachment text box in the Upload paper section.

Accepted papers will be collectively published in a supplementary (InCoB conference) issue. Article-processing charges (APC) might be discounted, depending on negotiations with BioMed Central. However, for conference supplements, institutional or developing country discounts are not available. The InCoB organizers will collect APC and transfer them in bulk to BioMed Central. For details and waivers see Frequently asked questions about BioMed Central's article-processing charges (http://www.biomedcentral.com/info/about/apcfaq).

A few manuscripts that are not accepted in the BMC Bioinformatics supplement may be offered publication in Bioinformation, after suitable reformatting. If authors accept this offer, a manuscript following the author guidelines for Bioinformation: (http://www.bioinformation.net/journal/instructions.htm) should be submitted to EasyChair, using the Attachment text box under the Upload paper section. In this case, authors are also required to pay the journal's APC, as required.

1.2.4 Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics (JCBi)

Special issue: Biomedical Data Integration, Network Medicine & Translational Research

Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics (http://www.jclinbioinformatics.com/) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal publishing original research on all aspects of the development of bioinformatics approaches, including tools, methodologies and data integration, for clinical and translational medicine. The main focus of this special issue will concentrate on the new theories and tools, as well as related applications in translational biomedical informatics and network medicine in translational research.

Instructions for JCBi authors


Research Articles








Short reports


Study protocols


Deadline for Full paper submission: 31st May, 2013

1.3 Minimum Information about a Bioinformatics Investigation

At InCoB2009, Singapore, a consensus was reached that standards for publication of scientific claims based on bioinformatics investigation and computational biology techniques should be elevated to include basic information necessary for an in silico experiment to be repeated and the results reproducible. Authors submitting papers, particularly Asian authors, whose names may be English transliterations e.g. X. Li or T.W. Tan, will have multiple instances, which require disambiguation. This is essential if authors need to be contacted and traced to the correct individual.

As such, the APBioNet secretariat has been working with the National University of Singapore and the Asian Bioinformation Centers (ABCs) to design and operate an alpha test site aid.apbionet.org and docid.apbionet.org to provide the infrastructure for author registration and document deposition, including deposition of datasets and software described or used in a scientific publication. APBioNet secretariat is currently working with InCoB authors of papers accepted for publication in BMC Bioinformatics/Genomics and Bioinformation special conference supplements in a post-publication process to test drive the document/dataset/database/software submission process, as well as the author identification registry. It is hoped that this mechanism will provide the basis for a minimum information standard to be implemented for the paper submission process for InCoB2013, either via a pre-submission or post-publication.

The process is under negotiation with the InCoB steering committee, organizers and editors of InCoB2013. Compliance to a MIABi standard requires more than author identification and data submission. Editors and reviewers will need to be updated on the requirements for MIABi. More information about a comprehensive MIABi compliance will be circulated for discussion soon. The level of compliance required for InCoB2013 submissions will be announced as soon as negotiations with newly appointed editors are completed.