Combination Factors

Combination factors are the combination of multiple homogeneous factors or multiple different factors.

The search result for the Risk factor Category "Combination"

A total of 171 results found based on your keywords
RF_ID Disease Name Species RF_Name Association Condition PMID
11 Alzheimer's Disease Human Vitamins C and/or E Not Related 16227448
11 Alzheimer's Disease Human Vitamins C and/or E Not Related 16227448
43 Alzheimer's Disease Human Folic acid(S) + Vitamin B6(S) + Vitamin B12(S) Not Related 18042476
78 Alzheimer's Disease Human Cooked fruit and vegetables Not Related 30883348
78 Alzheimer's Disease Human Cooked fruit and vegetables Not Related 30883348
1893 Parkinson disease Human diet quality + physical activity PF 35984656
1929 Multiple System Atrophy Human COQ2 + pesticide nonexposure PF 35748722
1931 Multiple System Atrophy Human SNCA + alcohol nonusers PF 35748722
1930 Multiple System Atrophy Human COQ2 + current smokers PF 35748722
1932 Multiple System Atrophy Human SNCA + well water nondrinkers PF 35748722
1256 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Work & Sport PF Significant adjusted OR 24706338
1806 Alzheimer's Disease Human Education level + low genetic risk PF 37663829
1258 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human trauma/solvents interaction PF 33130429
1250 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human trauma and solvents PF 33130429
1251 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human lead and solvents PF 33130429
1261 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human lead/solvents interaction PF 33130429
1256 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Work & Sport PF 24706338
10 Alzheimer's Disease Human Vitamin E+Vitamin C PF 14732624
10 Alzheimer's Disease Human Vitamin E+Vitamin C PF 14732624
31 Alzheimer's Disease Human Probiotic and selenium co-supplementation PF 30642737
45 Alzheimer's Disease Human Vitamin?E (alpha tocopherol) PF 24381967
46 Alzheimer's Disease Human Folic acid + Vitamin B6 + Vitamin B12 PF 23690582
1271 Alzheimer's Disease Mice Resveratrol + Exercise PF 31114160
1271 Alzheimer's Disease Mice Resveratrol + Exercise PF 30717730
1272 Alzheimer's Disease Mice Exercise + Probiotic treatment PF 30529024
1273 Alzheimer's Disease Mice Dietary polyphenols + Exercise PF 25318545
1276 Alzheimer's Disease Human Smoking + family history of dementia PF 9152711
1279 Alzheimer's Disease Human Alcohol + Smoking PF 20164550
181 Multiple System Atrophy Human Fish and seafood PF 18307243
1285 Parkinson disease Human Smoking + Coffee + NSAIDS PF 17987647
1291 Parkinson disease Human Smoking + GSTM1(Genotype) PF 20461808
1292 Parkinson disease Human Smoking + GSTP1*B*C PF 20461808
1293 Parkinson disease Human Smoking + NAT2 fast acetylators PF 20461808
1294 Parkinson disease Human Physical activity + At age 35-39 PF 20660864
1295 Parkinson disease Human Physical activity + In the past 10 years PF 20660864
1296 Parkinson disease Human N-hexacosanol + fisetin PF 22846082
1297 Parkinson disease Human Caffeine + GRIN2A PF GRIN2A(glutamate receptor genotypes) 24915238
1298 Parkinson disease Human High total cholesterol + statin PF 25639598
1301 Parkinson disease Human Coffee + Estrogen replacement therapy PF 26522888
1303 Parkinson disease Human Dental Amalgam Fillings + Diabetes PF History of Dental Amalgam Fillings 27906991
1304 Parkinson disease Human Dental Amalgam Fillings + Hyperlipidemia PF History of Dental Amalgam Fillings 27906991
1305 Parkinson disease Human UV-B and age PF An age-dependent quadratic association between UV-B and PD incidence 28033496
1307 Parkinson disease Human Caffeine + Never used PMH(Post-menopausal hormone) PF 28984617
1216 Alzheimer's Disease Human CHD5 rs11121295 + drinking RF 29861839
1216 Alzheimer's Disease Human CHD5 rs11121295 + drinking RF 29861839
1255 Parkinson disease Human Balance-Gait score AND levodopa equivalent dose (LED) RF 33505652
1254 Parkinson disease Human Balance-Gait score AND MDS-UPDRS motor complications score RF 33505652
1845 Alzheimer's Disease Human insulin and pioglitazone RF Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) 37095270
1265 Alzheimer's Disease Human depression + cerebrovascular disease(CVD) RF 33726788
1208 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + anxiety RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1267 Alzheimer's Disease Human combine Type 2 diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) RF 30481578
1269 Alzheimer's Disease Human combination therapy with insulin RF 24489845
1205 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + sleep disturbance RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1206 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + anxiety RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1206 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + anxiety RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1205 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + sleep disturbance RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1205 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + sleep disturbance RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1205 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + sleep disturbance RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1206 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + anxiety RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1206 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression lifetime + anxiety RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1245 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + sleep disturbance RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1245 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + sleep disturbance RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1246 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + anxiety RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1245 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + sleep disturbance RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1245 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + sleep disturbance RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1246 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + anxiety RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1202 Alzheimer's Disease Human Sleep Disturbance + anxiety RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1202 Alzheimer's Disease Human Sleep Disturbance + anxiety RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1246 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + anxiety RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1202 Alzheimer's Disease Human Sleep Disturbance + anxiety RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1246 Alzheimer's Disease Human Clinician-verified depression + anxiety RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1207 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + sleep disturbance RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1207 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + sleep disturbance RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1202 Alzheimer's Disease Human Sleep Disturbance + anxiety RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1208 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + anxiety RF Model 3: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, and e4 carrier status 29077487
1208 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + anxiety RF Model 4: Main effects adjusted for adjusted for sex, education, age, race, e4 carrier status, the presence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. 29077487
1207 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + sleep disturbance RF Model 2: Main effects adjusted for sex, education, age, and race 29077487
1207 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + sleep disturbance RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1208 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depressed 2 years + anxiety RF Model 1: Main effect unadjusted 29077487
1252 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human exposure to both lead and agricultural chemicals (ACs) RF 34137650
1224 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Human gene-environment interactions RF 33897612
1224 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Human gene-environment interactions RF 33897612
1260 Alzheimer's Disease Human MDFK(mineral turpentine, diesel oil, fuel oil and kerosene) RF adjusted for age, education and sex, using logistic regression;Model 2 25028582
1260 Alzheimer's Disease Human MDFK(mineral turpentine, diesel oil, fuel oil and kerosene) RF adjusted for age, education and sex, using logistic regression;Model 1 25028582
1260 Alzheimer's Disease Human MDFK(mineral turpentine, diesel oil, fuel oil and kerosene) RF adjusted for age, education and sex, using logistic regression;Model 3 25028582
1253 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human diesel and cardiovascular disease (CVD) RF 33130429
1262 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human diesel/CVD interaction RF 33130429
1244 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Multivariate analysis (with covariates age, smoking, education, and occupation) RF 17923612
1244 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Multivariate analysis (with covariates age, smoking, education, and occupation) RF 17923612
1203 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Lifestyle factors(combination Type A behavior and Intake of green-yellow vegetables) RF 19342254
1219 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE ε4 allele + Herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV1) RF Overall 9014911
1221 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE and gender RF 29278785
1239 Alzheimer's Disease Human combine APOC1 insertion mutation and APOE ε4 RF 24498013
1231 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human SMN1(one or three copies of SMN1 gene were pooled) RF 16931506
1219 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE ε4 allele + Herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV1) RF Frontal lobe 9014911
1268 Parkinson disease Human combine Traumatic brain injury and paraquat exposure RF 23150532
1229 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human SNP(combination SNP1 and SNP3) RF The estimations using the proposed method (adjusted estimates) 19740415
1113 Alzheimer's Disease Human hypertension and diabetes RF 29971140
1209 Alzheimer's Disease Human male and the APOE ε3/ε4 genotype RF between the ages of 65 and 75 years 28846757
1229 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human SNP(combination SNP1 and SNP3) RF The estimations using the proposed method (unadjusted estimates) 19740415
1230 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human SNP(combination SNP1 and SNP2) RF The estimations using the proposed method (adjusted estimates) 19740415
1263 Alzheimer's Disease Human diabetes and hyperlipidemia RF 29971140
1112 Alzheimer's Disease Human hypertension and hyperlipidemia RF 29971140
1230 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human SNP(combination SNP1 and SNP2) RF The estimations using the proposed method (unadjusted estimates) 19740415
1219 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE ε4 allele + Herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV1) RF Temporal lobe 9014911
1866 Alzheimer's Disease Human chronic stress and depression RF 37779209
1213 Alzheimer's Disease Human female and the APOE ε3/ε4 genotype RF between the ages of 65 and 75 years 28846757
1111 Alzheimer's Disease Human hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia RF 29971140
1235 Alzheimer's Disease Human COMT (Val158 Met) polymorphism with APOE epsilon4 allele RF GG allele 19793392
1240 Alzheimer's Disease Human carriers of the CTSD T and APOE ε4 alleles RF 24281128
369 Alzheimer's Disease Human low education/rural residence RF 10636132
1221 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE and gender RF 29278785
1234 Alzheimer's Disease Human COMT (Val158 Met) polymorphism with APOE epsilon5 allele RF AG allele 19793392
1228 Frontotemporal Dementia Human tau haplotype in combination with apoE epsilon4 RF between genotypes with tau alleles A0 or A1 only (A3-) and apoE genotypes with at least one ε4 allele (ε4?) 11303757
1232 Alzheimer's Disease Human MTHFR 677 T allele and APOE epsilon4 allele RF 18258338
1247 Alzheimer's Disease Human combine Rate of brain aging and APOE ε4 RF interventions that slow aging may substantially reduce risk of neurological disease and decline even in the presence of APOE ε4. 31133613
696 Alzheimer's Disease Human high blood lipids and insulin resistance RF 21033433
1241 Alzheimer's Disease Human BuChE-K variant and ApoE allele RF 29254094
1243 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE e4 and GSTM1 null deletion RF 29072550
1217 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE4 and woman RF 24623176
1226 Alzheimer's Disease Human the genotypes GG and APOEε4 RF 24575113
1227 Alzheimer's Disease Human The combined effects of TNFa, IL-6 and IL-10 variant alleles RF 19744138
1211 Alzheimer's Disease Human interaction between a GRS comprised of AD SNPs and midlife triglyceride levels RF rs11218343 and APOE?4 30412497
1214 Alzheimer's Disease Human combine levels of leptin, adiponectin and insulin RF 26906354
1238 Alzheimer's Disease Human combine SOD2 gene rs4880-T genotype and APOEε4 genotype RF 26696693
1212 Alzheimer's Disease Human Higher estrone (E1) levels and carrying the APOE ε4 allele RF 21211518
1215 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human combination of multiple genetic and environmental factors RF 18421219
1204 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human high intakes of carbohydrate and low intakes of fat and some kinds of fatty acids(when combined) RF 17852010
1225 Frontotemporal Dementia Human the H1 haplotype of the tau gene and the E2 allele of APOE RF 12056929
1270 Alzheimer's Disease rat combination of risk factor hHcy(Hyperhomocysteinemia) with IRI(ischemia-reperfusion injury) RF Adult male Wistar rats 5–6 months old and weighing 300–400 g 30003389
1266 Parkinson disease Human combined residential exposures(residential, non-occupational pesticide and heavy metal exposure) RF 19818671
1204 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human high intakes of carbohydrate and low intakes of fat and some kinds of fatty acids(when combined) RF 17852010
1210 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human joint contribution of genetics and environmental exposures RF 28355414
1259 Alzheimer's Disease Human Mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) RF 30603762
1222 Alzheimer's Disease Human ApoE + deposition of β-amyloid (Aβ) RF 29527500
1264 Alzheimer's Disease Human Depression + depression-related monoaminergic systems RF including serotonin and noradrenaline 29685068
1242 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE ε4 allele + family history RF family history of late-onset AD (FH) 30134963
1223 Alzheimer's Disease Human ApoE + ApoE protein RF effect the formation of protein polymers and fibrilization through interaction with tau and Abeta 7695621
1257 Alzheimer's Disease Human Traumatic brain injury (TBI) + S100A9 protein RF S100A9-driven amyloid-neurodegenerative cascade 30150640
1220 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE ε4 allele + alpha 1-antichymotrypsin polymorphism RF 7670501
1201 Alzheimer's Disease Human lower BMI + higher polygenic risk RF 33880516
1218 Alzheimer's Disease Human APOE ε4 gene + AD-promoting pathogens RF The interaction of APOE ε4 gene and the AD-promoting pathogens 33732104
1249 Alzheimer's Disease Human Mild cognitive decline(MCI) and APOE?4 RF 33009037
1233 Lewy Body Disease Human GBA + APOE?4 RF 33646158
1248 Motor Neuron Disease Human cyanide metabolites, nutritional deficiencies, psycho-emotional and geo-environmental factors RF 33964344
1274 Alzheimer's Disease Human Obesity associated gene (FTO) RF In a genome wide association study (GWAS), the fat mass and obesity associated gene (FTO) was found to be associated with increased body mass index (BMI) in both childhood and midlife. 21098976
1275 Alzheimer's Disease Human Smoking + APOE ε4 carriers RF 20847559
1277 Alzheimer's Disease Human Rural residence + Education RF Education:Low(<= 6 years); high(>= 7 years) 10636132
1278 Alzheimer's Disease Human Education + Occupational attainment RF 8139057
1280 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Behavior + Green-yellow vegetables RF Type A behavior patterns were assessed by a 10-item scale specifically designed by Maeda for Japanese persons. These were dichotomized into type A (>17 points) and non–type A (<17) according to the criteria of Maeda. 19342254
1281 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Human Physical activity + Postmenopausal RF 26783702
158 Parkinson disease Human High intake of iron+high manganese intake RF 12796527
162 Parkinson disease Human Cholesterol + Iron RF 18424169
1282 Parkinson disease Human MnSOD(T/C; C/C) + Pesticide exposure RF 17188257
1283 Parkinson disease Human NQO1(C/T; T/T) + Pesticide exposure RF 17188257
1284 Parkinson disease Human MnSOD(T/C; C/C)+NQO1(C/T; T/T) + Pesticide exposure RF 17188257
1286 Parkinson disease Human High nonheme iron and low vitamin C intakes RF 18945687
1287 Parkinson disease Human MDR1 variants + Pesticides RF 19184162
1288 Parkinson disease Human Well-water contamination with methomyl RF Water-soluble pesticides 20049211
1289 Parkinson disease Human Well-water contamination with chorpyrifos RF Water-soluble pesticides 20049211
1290 Parkinson disease Human Well-water contamination with propargite RF Water-soluble pesticides 20049211
1299 Parkinson disease Human Frequent OP + CT + TT genotype(NOS1 SNPs) RF Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) 26383258
1300 Parkinson disease Human OP(organophosphorus) + Variant ABCB1 genotypes at two polymorphic sites RF 26457621
1302 Parkinson disease Human Lower levels of serum 25(OH)D and sunlight exposure RF 26959053
1306 Parkinson disease Human Pesiticide+Ambient oxidative stressor exposure + APEX1 rs1130409 and OGG1 rs1052133 RF 28460087
1308 Parkinson disease Human Tamoxifen + Breast Cancer RF 29285040
1309 Parkinson disease Human High education + High job demands RF 30145813
1310 Parkinson disease Human Low education + High job control RF 30145813
1311 Parkinson disease Human Low education + High demands + High control RF 30145813
1312 Parkinson disease Human Low education + High demands + Low control RF 30145813
426 Parkinson disease Human Postmenopausal use of estrogen alone + Women with a hysterectomy RF 16087902