CHD-RF-KB has several distinct characters as follows:
1) CHD-RF-KB represents the comprehensive research synopsis in the field of genetics and other risk factors associated with NS-CHD;
2) All the entries in CHD-RF-KB are comprehensively annotated, including CHD type (ID, type, description), information of risk factors (genetic and non-genetic), sample information (Population, Region, Source, Method, Treatment and control group data), reference information (PubMed, Year, ID title);
3) CHD-RF-KB provides an interactive platform for the public to share the research results related to genetic and other risk factors associated with non-syndromic congenital heart disease and screen information of these two parts separately;
4) Based on the full-scale of CHD-RF-KB, public researchers can obtain homogeneous results from the statistical analysis of data, which help to further systemic analyses of mechanisms about NS-CHD at molecular level. In addition, CHD-RF-KB can also provide exhibition of the association graph between genotypes and phenotypes, along with graphs between phenotypes and risk factors associated with NS-CHD, which can contribute to elucidate the complex relationships between them.
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