Small Variation
Risk Factor
Protective Factor
No Influencing Factor
Unrelated Factor
Unknown Factor
Genetic Variation Type
Choose Variation Type
Small Variaton
Variation Subtype
Choose Variation Type First
Variation Consequence (For Small Variation)
For Small Variation
Choose Classification
clinical factor
environmental factor
lifestycle factor
molecular factor
physiological factor
psychosocial factor
combined factor
Choose Classification First
Choose Factor
ADHD diagnosis,lifetime
IL-6 concentration
length of stay
oxygen saturation(SVo2)
pulmonary regurgitation
pulmonary vascular resistance(PVR)
pulmonary ventricular dysfunction
readmission score
%MS (percentage media wall area)
%MT (percentage media wall thickness)
(B-type natriuretic peptide )BNP concentrations
(NT-proBNP)--Time points (12 h after surgery)
12 hr Vasoactive-Ventilation-Renal(VVR) score
12h postoperatively, mean ± SD
15 weeks of 6MWD(6-minute walking distance)
2 year cognitive composite score
24h postoperatively, mean ± SD
24–48 hours after corrective surgery--BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) (pg/ml)
24–48 hours after corrective surgery--CD62E (soluble endothelium selectin) (ng/ml)
24–48 hours after corrective surgery--CD62L (soluble leukocyte selectin) (ng/ml)
24–48 hours after corrective surgery--IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) (ng/ml)
3 weeks of 6MWD(6-minute walking distance)
30-day mortality rate n(%)
3rd or 4th laceration
5-year mortality
6 year full-scale IQ
6 year motor problems
6- minute walking distance
6-minute walking distance (6-MWD)
6-minute walking distance(6-MWD)
6-MWD (m)
6-MWD, m
6MWD (6-minute walk distance)
9 and 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid level (9:13-HODE)
9:13-HODE at End CPB at (2-24hr and 24-48hr post-CPB)/VIS
9:13-HODE at start and end of CPB/milrinone use
9:13-HODE at start of CPB (at post 2-24 hours CPB)/VIS
<37 week gestation
> 1 emergency department visits in the 6 months preceding in the index hospitalization
>2 complications
>=1 end organ dysfunctions
a common polymorphism in the gene encoding Connexin-40(GJA5-rs10465855-TT-genotype)
a longer duration of mechanical ventilation
AAD class use at time of DCCV--Class I
AAD class use at time of DCCV--Class II
AAD class use at time of DCCV--Class III
abbreviated Cr clearance based on a 4-hour urine collection
Abnormal adaptive area
Abnormal background pattern (BGP), 12-48 h after surgery
Abnormal brain activity
Abnormal motor area
abnormal Placental Pathology
abnormal postoperative background pattern [burst suppression (BS), continuous low voltage(CLV), flat tracing(FT)]
Abnormal socioemotional area
ABO blood group--ASD
ABO blood group--COA
ABO blood group--DORV
ABO blood group--isolated CHD
ABO blood group--PA
ABO blood group--PDA
ABO blood group--TGA
ABO blood group--TOF
ABO blood group--VSD
absence of mixed venous saturation monitoring
absence of prophylactic alpha-blockade
absolute QRS duration
Absolute RV strain
ACC (aortic cross-clamp) time (min)
ACC time (min) (I vs II)
ACC time (min) (I vs III)
ACC time (min) (I vs IV)
ACC time (min) (II vs IV)
ACC(cortic cross clamp)
Acceleration of MPA(main pulmonary artery)
accuracy rate
ACE inhibitor (%)
ACE inhibitor treatment
ACE inhibitors (%)
acute procedural success (Predictors of Recurrence After First Catheter Ablation)
acute renal failure
acyanotic heart disease
AD/AA Meds (antidepressant/antianxiety medications)
ADAMTS-13 activity (%)
ADAMTS-13:Ag (ug/mL)
Additional diagnosis made
ADHD Inattentive T score
adjusted total hospital charges
ADM (adrenomedullin)
ADMA (asymmetric dimethyl arginine)
ADMA (umol/L)
admission at 1 day of age or less
admit age (days)
Adolescent cohort
adventitious breath sounds
Advised to seek/history of mental health counseling--Yes/No
African American–white disparity in infant mortality rate due to CHD
African American–white disparity in neonatal mortality rate due to CHD
African American–white disparity in postneonatal mortality rate due to CHD
age ( < 360 days)
Age (>3 months/<3 months)
age (months)
age (months) (mean±SD)
Age (months)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
Age (months)--≥72 hr (medium Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation, PMV )
age (months, median )
Age (per decade)
age (x±s, d)
Age (y)(risk factors associated with redo PVR)
age (year)
Age (years)
Age (yrs)
age < 0.1 year
age < 1 month
age < 1 year
age < 28 days
age at full feeds preoperatively
age at ICD implantation
Age at implantation (years)
age at operation (yrs)
age at surgery (day)
age at surgery <30 days
Age at surgery, d
Age at surgery--after propensity score matching
Age at the first operation, days
age at the time of surgical repair
age at which feeds initiated preoperatively
age group of ASD
Age groups (%) (0–1 years)
Age groups (%) (1–18 years)
age less than 1 year(risk factors for early-phase mortality)
Age mean (range), months
age more than 1 year(risk factors for late-phase mortality)
age of SVP patients underwent surgery
Age ⩾35 years
age(female patients)(years)
Age, months
Age--All patients
Age--≥7 Days
age<2 years and relation with the need for reintervention
AhR p.Arg554Lys-Additive(Arg/Arg vs.Arg/Lys vs.Lys/Lys)
AhR p.Arg554Lys-Dominant(Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys vs.Arg/Arg)
Albumin (> 35 mg g-1crea counted as pathological)
Alcohol use--1–6 drinks/ week
Alcohol use--None
Alcohol use--≥7 drinks/ week
ALT(>cut off value)(children)
American Heart Association II as compared to III
Aminocaproic acid(infusions on PCICU admission)--after propensity score matching
Amiodarone (%)
Amiodarone therapy
Amiodarone--In Relation to Lung Function
amount of dye injected(A)(mg./Kg.)
an increasing lactate level over time
Anesthesia duration (min)
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI)
annual dental visits
ANP concentrations
antenatal corticosteroids
antenatal detection
Anti-arrhythmic therapy
Antiarrhythmic drugs incl. digoxin (%)
Antiarrhythmic therapy (excl.digoxin)
Antiarrhythmic therapy (incl.digoxin)
antibiotic treatment (Aminoglycosides)
antibiotic treatment (any)
antibiotic treatment (Carbapenems)
antibiotic treatment (Duration, days)
antibiotic treatment (Glycopeptides)
antibiotic treatment (third-generation cephalosporins)
Antibiotics for suspected sepsis
Anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy--Antiplatelet agent
Anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy--NOAC
antiepileptics use by the mother
anxiety (BAI, Beck anxiety inventory)
anxiety in Patient-reported PCQLI
Anxiety score
Anxiety sensitivity index
Anxiety symptoms
Anxiety symptoms--Yes/No
any acquired or developmental abnormalities (no. and %)
Any adverse events: Incidence of AE in different operator years in practice
aortic clamping time(min)
aortic clamping time(min)(children)
aortic clamping time(min)(infants)
aortic cross clamp time
Aortic cross clamp time (ACC time)(min)
Aortic cross clamp time (min)
aortic cross clamp(ACC) time)
Aortic cross-clamp time (min)
Aortic cross-clamp time (min) of one month of age and younger
aortic cross-clamping (ACC), min--All patients
Aortic crosslamp time
aortic hypoplasia
Aortic Insufficiency(AI)(minimal)
Aortic obstruction-indirect effect on QOL
aortic shunt(Bi-directional)
aortic shunt(left-to-right)
aortic shunt(none)
aortic shunt(right-to-left)
AoV (mm)
AOX time (minutes)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
AOX time (minutes)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
Apgar 5-min score
Apgar 5-min score (<7)
apoferritn levels ng/mL
Apolipoprotein B (association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine as continuous variables and CHD risk)
Apolipoprotein B(cut off >85.0 mg/dl)(association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine and CHD risk)
Apolipoprotein B, mg/dl
Apolipoprotein B/A-1
Apolipoprotein B/A-1 (association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine as continuous variables and CHD risk)
Apolipoprotein B/A-1 (cut off >0.6)(association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine and CHD risk)
application rate of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation n(%)
appropriate ICD shocks
Appropriate shock
Appropriate therapy (shock or ATP)
APSC (arterioles per square centimeter)
area above 4,700m
area under the curve of (AUC) of insulin(mU/ml)
area under the curve of glucose(PG-AUC)
Arg/Arg without maternal exposure
Arg/Arg without maternal smoking
Arg/Arg without paternal exposure
Arg/Arg without paternal smoking
Aristole basic score of one months of age and younger
Aristotle Basic Score
Aristotle score--All patients
arotic obstruction-direct effect on executive dysfunction
arrhythmia recurrence rate at 60 months
Arterial cord blood PH value
arterial gradient
Arterial hypertension (percent)
arterial PH
arterial saturation (mean(SD))
Aspirin (%)
Assisted ventilation
assocciated factors with ASD: age(10-19 years)
assocciated factors with ASD: age(20-39 years)
assocciated factors with ASD: age(>40 years)
assocciated factors with ASD: women
Associated infection
association between age and CTR
association between Apgar score and CVP score after controlling for variables
association between Cardiopulmonary bypass time(CPB) and severe morbidity
association between double BNP level with heart failure
association between DV-PIV (median of Mo95th) with mortality of abnormalities affecting predominantly the right ventricle
association between DV-PIV (median of Mo95th) with mortality of AVSD
association between Fontan operation/conversion and severe morbidity
association between mortality and cardiomegaly with a heart to chest area ratio > 0.5 (CVP category of ultrasound marker)
association between mortality and CVP score after controlling for variables
association between mortality and hydrops (CVP category of ultrasound marker)
association between post-operation age and final GFR
association between postoperative DTI measures of average diffusivity and preoperative brain injury score (coefficients)
association between postoperative MRSI measures of Lactate/choline and properative brain injury (coefficients)
association between pre-operation age and final GFR
association between pre-operative HCT and mean uric acid fraction (FEua) excretion
association between preoperative congestive heart failure and severe morbidity
association between preoperative DTI measures of Fractional anisotropy and postoperative brain injury score(coefficients)
association between preoperative DTI measures of Fractional anisotropy and preoperative brain injury score (coefficients)
association between preoperative hematocrit and severe morbidity
association between preoperative MRSI measures of NAA/choline and preoperative brain injury score ( coefficients)
association between previous number of operations and severe morbidity
association between Qp/Qs and body weight
association between Qp/Qs and height
association between receipt of antibiotic treatment for more than 5 days and the acquistion of candidemia
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Body surface area
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Cardiac index
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: DPAP
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Gender (female)
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Indexed pulmonary blood flow
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: PACI
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Pulmonary artery ejection time
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Pulse pressure
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: PVRi
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Right atrial pressure
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: SPAP
association between RV and pulmonary dynamics with the distance walked in 6 minutes: Stroke volume
association between sports participation with age
association between sports participation with education
association between sports participation with employment
association between survival rate with ischemic times
association of Bodily pain with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of General health with Peak oxygen uptake
association of General health with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of hemosiderin with lower mean PDI score
association of higher nadir of intraoperative temperature and the presence of hemosiderin
association of higher nadir of postoperative PaCO2 and the presence of hemosiderin
association of Mental component summary with Sense of coherence
association of Mental health with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of Peak oxygen uptake with Sense of coherence
association of Physical component summary with Peak oxygen uptake
association of Physical component summary with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of Physical function with Peak oxygen uptake
association of Physical function with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : 6-min walk distance
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : 6-min walk SpO2
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : age
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : clinical presentation
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : Duration of treatment
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : functional class
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : gender
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : Hematocrit
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : PAH advanced therapy
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : PAP systolic
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : resting SpO2
association of plasma VWF:Ag with the risk of death adjusted for : statin
association of Role emotional with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of Role physical with Peak oxygen uptake
association of Role physical with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of Social function with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association of Vitality with Peak oxygen uptake
association of Vitality with Sense of coherence(SOC)
association was observed between pulmonary systolic pressure and height
association was observed between pulmonary systolic pressure and weight
association with age and dental health behaviours(brush teeth 2 times/day)
association with age and recrational drug use
association with education status and dental health behaviours(brush teeth 2 times/day)
association with sex and dental health behaviours(brush teeth 2 times/day)
association with sex and recrational drug use
association with sports participation with cardiac defect functional status
association with sports participation with defect complexity
association with sports participation with married status
association with sports participation with sex
AST(>cut off value)(children)
at least two findings among three severe changes pre-operatively(tortuous arteries,DA and DB)
Atelectasis--≥7 Days
Atelectasis--≥72 hr
atrial fibrillation induction
Atrial fibrillation(AF) induction
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) concentrations
atrial shunt(Bi-directional)
atrial shunt(left-to-right)
atrial shunt(none)
atrial shunt(right-to-left)
Average ABP immediately after induction (mmHg)--Systolic-Diastolic
Average ABP immediately prior to induction (mmHg)--Systolic-Diastolic
Average ABP on return to ICU (mmHg)--Systolic-Diastolic
average CTR level
Average diastolic pressure pre-induction
average haem levels-all time points
Average lowest recorded ABP during case (mmHg)--Systolic-Diastolic
Average mean pressure pre-induction
Average number devices attached per observation
Average score
average worse Braden QD scores per day
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations
B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP)
balloon atrial septostomy (BAS)
Barriers to care: expectations
Barriers to care: knowledge and beliefs
Barriers to care: marginalization
Barriers to care: pragmatics
Barriers to care: skill
basal ganglia and thalamus(BGT)
basal ganglia volume
Baseline characteristics: Twin pregnancy (%)
Baseline creatinine(Cr) (mg/dL)
Baseline creatinine(Cr) -based GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2)
Baseline HR (heart rate) (bpm)
baseline NYHA class>=2
BAV post aortic valve replacement (AVR)
Bayley-III Motor Composite Score
before corrective surgery--CD62P (soluble platelet selectin) (ng/ml)
before corrective surgery--IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) (ng/ml)
behavior regulation index(shift)
Behavioral Regulation Index T score(Brief parent-report)
Behavioral Regulation Index T score(Brief self-report)
Beta-blocker, n (%)
Between-device differences in wear time
BIC value (Bayesian Information Criterion)
Bilateral Thoracotomy on the Prevalence of a High Thoracic Curve
bilirubin levels
Binge drinking
Biochemical parameters: proBNP (pg/ml)
birth head circumference
Birth length, cm
birth outside the surgical center
birth weight
Birth weight (g)
Birth weight
BL (Z score) (physical sizes at birth)
blood glucose
blood pressure (mmHg)
BMI (21-25) (reference=BMI<21)
BMI (3 categories)
BMI (>25)
BMI (kg/m2)
BMI (kg/m2) overweighted
BMI 3 catergories (reference=BMI>25)
BMI(5th~95th percentile)(infants)
BMI(<5th percentile)
BMI(<5th percentile)(children)
BMI(<5th percentile)(infants)
BMI(female patients)
BMI(male patients)
BMI(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables)
BMI-In Relation to Lung Function
BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)
BNP 12 h PO, pg/mL (β-type brain natriuretic peptide)
BNP concentrations
Body mass index (BMI)
body mass index(BMI)(after matched control)
Body surface area
Body surface area(m2)
Body temperature (℃)
body weight (mean&SD)
Body weight (mean±SD)
Body weight at operation (kg)
body weights
body weights (x±s, kg)
Borg dyspnea index
Borg scale
born prematurely
BPD (Z score) (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
BPD Z-score (biparietal diameter)
Bradyarrhythmia during entire postoperative course
Bradyarrhythmia receiving intervention during entire postoperative course
Brain cortical development--Left calcarine fissure depth/BPD
Brain cortical development--Left cingulate fissure depth/BPD
Brain cortical development--Left insula depth/BPD
Brain cortical development--Left parietoccipital fissure depth/BPD
Brain cortical development--Right calcarine fissure depth/BPD
Brain cortical development--Right cingulate fissure depth/BPD
Brain cortical development--Right parietoccipital fissure depth/BPD
Brain metabolic profile--Basal ganglia--Cho/Cr(choline/creatine)
Brain metabolic profile--Basal ganglia--Ino/Cho(inositol/choline)
Brain metabolic profile--Basal ganglia--NAA/Cho(N-acetylaspartate/choline)
Brain metabolic profile--Frontal area--Cho/Cr(choline/creatine)
Brain metabolic profile--Frontal area--Ino/Cho(inositol/choline)
Brain metabolic profile--Frontal area--NAA/Cho(N-acetylaspartate/choline)
brain mineralization/hemosiderin
brain stem(BS)
Brain volumetry--Left opercular volume/TICV
Brain volumetry--Right opercular volume/TICV
Brain volumetry--TBV (cm3)
Brain volumetry--TICV (cm3)
Brain volumetry--Total opercular volume/TICV
brain volumn
brainstem volume
breathless with lower 6-minute walk distance
bronchial area
BRS (baroreflex sensitivity) (msec/mm Hg)
brush teeth once a day
brush teeth twice a day
BSA (body surface area)
BSA--after propensity score matching
BW (Z score) (physical sizes at birth)
BW<2500 g
bypass time
Bypass time (min)
Bypass time, min
C-index of CHDFI
C-reative protein(CRP)
caesarean delivery rate
calcium supplement during early pregnancy
calender year 1997-99
calender year 2000-02
Candida colonization
Canton of origin--Neighbour
Canton of origin--Other
Canton of origin--Other(Multivariate analysis of the factors associated with read- mission at 30 days for CHD)
Canton of origin--Vaud
CaO2(ml/L)(arterial oxygen delivery)
carbon dioxide equivalent
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac complications(n=463)--maternal age
Cardiac death
Cardiac denial of impact score
Cardiac diagnosis (reference: ventricular septal defect) Atrial septal defect and relation with Externalizing
Cardiac diagnosis (reference: ventricular septal defect) PS(Pulmonary stenosis) and relation with Externalizing
cardiac disease severity
Cardiac events before pregnancy
Cardiac Index(L/min/m2)
cardiac interventions
cardiac lesion of BiV dd-PBF(ductal-dependent pulmonary perfusion)
cardiac medication
cardiac related hospitalizations
cardiac surgery
cardiac symptoms(time 1)
cardiac symptoms(time 2)
cardiac troponin I(CTnI)
cardical index(CI)
Cardiomegaly(cardiothoracic ratio>55%)(no. of patients)
cardiopulmonary bypass
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time (minutes)
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time, min--All patients
Cardiopulmonary bypass >90 min of age and younger
Cardiopulmonary bypass of 1 month of age and younger
cardiopulmonary bypass time
cardiopulmonary bypass time (CPB)
Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min)
cardiopulmonary bypass time(CPB time)
Cardiopulmonary bypass time(CPB time) (min)
Cardiopulmonary bypass time(min)
Cardiopulmonary exercise test: Ve/Vo2 slope--In Relation to Lung Function
cardiopulmonary exercise time(min)
Cardiothoracic ratio--In Relation to Lung Function
cardiovascular compromise
cardiovascular symptoms
Carotid intima-media thickness(cIMT)
CASI (Children’s Anxiety Sensitivity Index)score
caspase 3
cathepsin D combined with macrophagocytes counts
Catheter Ablation
catheter indwelling
CBP time (min)
CBP time (minutes)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
CBP time (minutes)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
CC (Z score) (physical sizes at birth)
CEC counts in all sampling sites inclduing pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein and peripheral vein
CEC counts in blood samples
Cell-free plasma hemoglobin levels
Cell-free plasma hemoglobin levels/milrinone use
Cell-free plasma hemoglobin levels/VIS at 0-48 hr post-CPB
cells expression level of caspase-3
cells expression level of caspase-3 by inflammatory cells
cells expression level of p53
cells expression level of p53 by inflammatory cells
central lines
central shunt produre
central venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2)< 70%
cerebellar volume
cerebellum volume
cerebral emboli
Cerebral rSO2 25 min before cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Cerebral rSO2--30 minutes before cardiopulmonary resuscitation
cerebral white matter volume
Change from any baseline systemic ventricular function to severe ventricular dysfunction over time
change in apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC) of grey matter
change in fractional anlsotropy(FA) of white matter
changes in respiratory rates/rhythms
CHD cases of mother(Indoor renovation)
CHD recognition route C versus A (outcome 2 measured by death)
CHD type: SV versus PA
CHD with aortic obstruction (AO)
child internalizing problems in Parent-proxy-reported PCQLI
children with cumulative fluid overload >5% at 2 days after surgery--30d mortality rate (%)
children with cumulative fluid overload >5% at 2 days after surgery--duration of mechanical ventilation (x±s, h)
children with cumulative fluid overload >5% at 2 days after surgery--incidence rate of low cardiac output syndrome (%)
children with cumulative fluid overload >5% at 2 days after surgery--length of hospital stay (x±s, d)
children with cumulative fluid overload >5% at 2 days after surgery--length of stay in the ICU (x±s, h)
Chronic coronary artery disease: HR for all-cause mortality
Chronic coronary artery disease: HR for cancer
chronotropic incompetence
chronotropic incompetence occurance
Chronotropic index
CIAS(Childhood Illness Attitude Scales)
CICU(cardiovascular ICU) days
cIMT of CoA
circulating temperature(deep hypothemia)
circulating temperature(middle and low temperature)
circulating temperature(mild hypothemia)
circulating temperature(normal temperature)
circulation method(cerebral perfusion)
circulation method(Circulatory arrest)
circulation method(full flow)
circulation method(low folw cycle)
circulation method(parallel CPB)
Circulatory arrest time (min)
Circulatory arrest time (min) of one month of age and younger
Citalopram prescription dose
CK-MB ( > 100μg/mL)
CK-MB (μg/mL, median)
Clamp time (min)
Class I-IV anti-arrhythmic drugs (%)
Clinic location--Colorado
Clinic location--Oregon
Clinic location--Washington State
clinical index of neurodevelopment
clinical index of neurodevelopment(impaired)
Clinical infection(percent)
Clinical predictors of brain injury severity:Perinatal variables: SNAP-PE
Clinical predictors of brain injury severity:preoperative variables: balloon atrial septostomy
Clinical predictors of brain injury severity:preoperative variables: Lowest oxygen saturation level (arterial)
Clinical predictors of brain injury severity:preoperative variables: preoperative hypotension
clinical seizure
Clinical signs and presence of thrombus
Clinical status: WHO functional class
cNCR [corrected NCR]
cognitive functioning (time 1)
cognitive functioning (time 2)
Cognitive problems(Time 1)
cold with high depression scores
cold with high depression scores(withourt fever)
cold with lower depression scores
combined lesions
combined score
combined use of antibiotics
combined with atrial fibrillation (AF) type of tachyarrhythmias
communication (time 1)
communication (time 2)
Communication(Time 1)
comorbidity rate
Comparison of proportion of first Cousins in CHD
complex CHD
Complex disease
Complexity of CHD
complexity of the underlying cardiac diagnosis
Complexity--Complex disease
complication rate
complication rates
Composite ROC [optimal combination of risk assessment models (WHO class, total no. cardiovascular predictors and disease complexity)].
congenital diagnosis
consanguineous marriage (yes/no)
Copeptin12 h PO, pmol/L
Cord blood BNP
Cord blood folate
Cord blood homocysteine
corpus callosum vulume
correlation between 6-min walk distance with PAI-1
correlation between 6-min walk SpO2 with P-selectin
correlation between 6-year cumulative mortality and GFR reduction
correlation between admission lactate levels and bicarbonate measures
correlation between age (<6months) and aPC ratio
correlation between age and BMI
correlation between age and t-PA
Correlation between anaerobic threshold (Oxygen uptake) and neonatal events
Correlation between antegrade cerebral perfusion and total IQ
correlation between antibiotic treatment administered for more than 5 days and the risk of acquiring candidemia
correlation between arterial saturation (%) and aPC ratio
correlation between BMI and higher AIT risk
correlation between BNP with heart failure in all patients with Stage II
correlation between BNP with heart failure in single ventricle group
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2): All data points(ALL)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):Diagnostic subgroups( TGA)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):Diagnostic subgroups(HLHS)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):Diagnostic subgroups(TOF)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):PaCO2 subgroups(<31 mmHg)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):PaCO2 subgroups(>31 and <41 mmHg)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):PaCO2 subgroups(>41 mmHg)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):Period subgroups: T0–T2 (preoperative phase)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):Period subgroups: T3–T5 (early postoperative phase)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):Period subgroups: T6–T9 (late postoperative phase)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):ScvO2% subgroups( 41-60%)
correlation between cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy and superior vena cava venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2):ScvO2% subgroups( <40%)
correlation between CHD(>28 days) and childhood stroke
correlation between chronotropic incompetence and patients with pacemaker
correlation between Citrulline and larger arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference
correlation between claudin 3 and symptoms of feeding intolerance
correlation between clinical presentation with P-selectin
correlation between clinical presentation with PAI-1
correlation between clinical presentation with t-PA
correlation between constant and aPC ratio
correlation between cumulative mortality and GFR reduction
correlation between double NT-proBNP with heart failure
correlation between double NT-proBNP with heart failure in single ventricle group
correlation between dual sugar permeability test ratio and symptoms of feeding intolerance
correlation between early changes in plasma concentrations of intestinal FABP 2 and CPB duration
correlation between early open-heart surgery and ADHD screening score
correlation between elevated TISS score 1week after admission and the risk of acquiring candidemia
correlation between eNOS expression and VEGF expression
correlation between exceeding CTR increasing and the risk of mortality
Correlation between exercise time and maternal events
Correlation between exercise time and neonatal events
correlation between factor V Leiden and aPC ratio
correlation between Factor VIII (C level) and aPC ratio
correlation between female gender and aPC ratio
correlation between fetal MCA-PI Z-score at the time of first echocardiogram with BSID cognitive score
correlation between fetal MCA-PI Z-score, EGG left frontal beta power and BSID
correlation between fluid balance on POD2 with NIRS nadir on POD2
correlation between fractional increase in creatinine with NIRS mean on POD1
correlation between FVIII (C level, % normal plasma) and aPC ratio
correlation between gender with IL-6
correlation between gender with P-selectin
correlation between heart failure and patients with pacemaker
correlation between heart rate reserve and peak heart rate
correlation between Hematocrit and IL-6
correlation between Hematocrit and P-selectin
correlation between Hematocrit with t-PA
Correlation between interquartile range and 18-month Motor scores (IQR vs. Motor)
Correlation between interquartile range(IQR) and 18-month Cognition score
correlation between intestinal FABP 2 and symptoms of feeding intolerance
correlation between intestinal fatty acid–binding protein and VIS
correlation between ischemic time at surgery and JET
correlation between left bronchial cross-sectional area and body surface area
Correlation between Length of ICU stay (d) and Total IQ
correlation between leptin and severity of aortic coarctation in CHD
correlation between leptin and severity of PS in CHD
correlation between letpin and weight in CHD
correlation between linear analogue scale and SEIQoL-DW
correlation between linear analogue scale and the satisfaction with life scale
correlation between low cut-off boundaries (0.1-0.3)
correlation between lower peak VO2 and higher VE/VCO2 slope
correlation between LV SDI and LV ejection fraction in patients
correlation between marital status (single) and obstetric complications
correlation between mild CTR increasing and the risk of mortality
correlation between MMP2 and peak oxygen uptake
correlation between MMP9 and peak oxygen uptake
correlation between moderate cut-off boundaries (0.3-0.5)
correlation between moderate to severe impairment of GFR and mortality
Correlation between mPAP and the frequency of segmental emphysema in left lung
Correlation between mPAP and the frequency of segmental emphysema in right lung
correlation between neonatal EEG left frontal beta power with MCA-PI Z-score
correlation between neonatal EEG left frontal polar beta power with BSID cognitive score
correlation between neonatal EEG left frontal polar beta power with MCA-PI Z-score
correlation between neonatal EEG right frontal polar beta power with BSID cognitive score
correlation between NGAL after operation at once and length of stay in ICU
correlation between NGAL after operation for 24 hour and length of stay in ICU
correlation between NGAL before operation and degree of PH
correlation between NGAL before operation and length of stay in ICU
correlation between NGAL immediately after operation at once and length of stay in ICU
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: age
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: duration of inotropic drug therapy
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: length of CPB
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: length of stay in the PICU
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: length of supported mechanical ventilation
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: maximum inotropic score
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: preoperative NT-BNP level
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: risk adjustment CHD surgery
correlation between NT-BNP peak values and factors: weight of patients
correlation between nulliparity and obstetric complications
correlation between nutritional status(weight-for-age z-score) and mean MEE(measured resting energy expenditure)
correlation between nutritional status(weight-for-height z-score) and mean MEE(measured resting energy expenditure)
correlation between NYHA class >2 and mortality
correlation between NYHA class and the risk of mortality
correlation between Oliguria on POD2 with NIRS mean
correlation between Oliguria on POD2 with NIRS nadir
correlation between oxygen saturation and obstetric complications
correlation between PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure ) and miR-204 expression in all CHD group
correlation between PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure ) and miR-204 expression in mild group
correlation between PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure ) and miR-204 expression in severe group
Correlation between patients with RLD (Restrictive lung disease) and hihger NYHA class
Correlation between patients with RLD (Restrictive lung disease) and low exercise duration
correlation between PD-ECGF/TP and leptin in CHD
correlation between PD-ECGF/TP and severity of aortic coarctation in CHD
correlation between PD-ECGF/TP and severity of PS in CHD
Correlation between peak HR and maternal events
correlation between peak oxygen uptake and general health
Correlation between peak oxygen uptake and maternal events
Correlation between peak Oxygen uptake and neonatal events
correlation between peak oxygen uptake and physical functioning
Correlation between peak SBP (systolic blood pressure) and maternal events
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with dPAP
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with mPAP
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with PVR
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with PVRI
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with sPAP
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with TRP
correlation between post-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with TRPI
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with Borg scale
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with cardiac index(CI)
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with cardiac output(CO)
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with DPAP
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with mPAP
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with PVR
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with PVRI
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with RV-SV
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with SPAP
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with SPO2
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with TRP
correlation between pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio value with TRPI
correlation between previous palliative surgery and mortality
Correlation between Qp/Qs and the frequency of segmental emphysematous change in left lung
Correlation between Qp/Qs and the frequency of segmental emphysematous change in right lung
Correlation between RACHS-1 score and M-ABC-2 percentile rank
Correlation between RACHS-1 score and total IQ
correlation between resting SpO2 with PAI-1
correlation between resting SpO2 with t-PA
correlation between right bronchial cross-sectional area and body surface area
Correlation between Ross score and β2-receptor gene expression
correlation between RR interval and LV ejection fraction
correlation between RR interval and LV SDI
correlation between RR interval and SDI
Correlation between socioeconomic status and Total IQ
correlation between somking history and obstetric complications
correlation between systemic ventricular dysfunction and mortality
correlation between the dose of sotalol and minimum heart rate (HR)
correlation between VE/VCO2 slope and cumulative survival rate
correlation between VE/VCO2 slope and resting oxygen saturations in the cyanotic group
correlation between VEGF and age in CHD
correlation between VEGF and leptin in CHD
correlation between VEGF and PD-ECGF/TP in CHD
correlation between VEGF and pulmonary pressure in CHD
correlation between VEGF and severity of aortic coarctation in CHD
correlation between VEGF and severity of PS in CHD
correlation between VEGF and SpO2 in CHD
correlation between younger maternal age (per year) and obstetric complications
Correlation of Externalizing and General Health Questionnaire anxiety and sleeplessness
Correlation of Externalizing and General Health Questionnaire total score
Correlation of Internalizing and General Health Questionnaire anxiety and sleeplessness
Correlation of Internalizing and General Health Questionnaire total score
correlation of MCA-PI z-score and 14-month PDI score
correlation of MEE and PICU(pediatric intensive care unit) specific formula
correlation of MEE and Schofield equation
correlation of MEE and World Health Organization
Correlation of Total problems and General Health Questionnaire anxiety and sleeplessness
Correlation of Total problems and General Health Questionnaire total score
correlation with Cp and 6-MWD
correlation with Cp and PAR(pulmonary artery resistance)
correlation with Cp and pulmonary blood flow
correlation with pulmonary artery compliance(Cp) and Heart rate
Correlation: CRP (C-reactive protein)--mPAP
Correlation: CRP (C-reactive protein)--PPAP(mean pulmonary artery pressure)
Correlation: NLR (neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio)--mPAP
Correlation: NLR (neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio)--PPAP
Correlation: Patient age--mPAP
Correlation: Patient age--PPAP
correlations between MMP-2 and aortic valve peak velocity
correlations between MMP-2 and carbon dioxide equivalent
correlations between MMP-2 and E' wave velocity<8cm/s
correlations between MMP-2 and E/E' ratio
correlations between MMP-2 and E/E' ratio≥13
correlations between MMP-2 and left ventricular(LV) systolic dysfunction, 0-1
correlations between MMP-2 and LV deceleration time
correlations between MMP-2 and LV dysfunction
correlations between MMP-2 and NT-proBNP
correlations between MMP-2 and NYHA functional class,II-III
correlations between MMP-2 and peak heart rate
correlations between MMP-2 and peak workload
correlations between MMP-2 and right ventricular(RV) , systolic dysfunction, 0-1
correlations between MMP-2 and RV dysfunction
Correlations between Serum antigliadin IgG and Serum alkaline phosphatase
Correlations between Serum antigliadin IgG and Weight/age z-score
Correlations between Serum antigliadin IgM and Height/age z-score
Correlations between Serum antigliadin IgM and Serum calcium
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--BMI
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--ET-1(endothelin-1)
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--MPAP
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--NO(nitric oxide)
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--PADP
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--PASP
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--PATD
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--RVDT
correlations: Acylated ghrelin--RVSP
correlations: ET-1--PASP
correlations: ET-1--RVDP
correlations: NO--PASP
correlations: NO--RVD
cortical grey matter
Cortical grey matter volume
Cox regression--CS-AKI and CKD >1 yr post-CS
Cox regression--Overall CS-AKI and CKD
Cp(pulmonary artery compliance)
Cp<1.04ml/mmHg(survival curve)
CPB duration (min)
CPB duration (minutes, median)
CPB duration > 90 min
CPB duration(min)
CPB time
CPB time (min)
CPB time (min) (I vs II)
CPB time (min) (I vs III)
CPB time (min) (I vs IV)
CPB time (min) (II vs III)
CPB time (min) (II vs IV)
CPB time(min)(children)
CPB time(min)(infants)
CPB time(min)>=90
CPB time, min
CPB(cardiopulmonary bypass) time (min)
CPB(cardiopulmonary bypass) time(min)
CPB(the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass)
CPR Z-score
cPST (corrected parasympathetic nervous tone)
creatin kinase MB(CK-MB)
Creatinine>1.5 mg/dL
Cross clamp time, min
cross-clamp time (CCT)
Cross-clamp time(min)
Cross-clamp time, min
crossclamp time (min), mean ± SD
CRP (female patients)(mg/dl)
CRP (male patients)(mg/dl)
cryoprecipitate tansfusion
cSBP(Center systolic blood pressure)
CSE expression
CSE expression(predict dynamic and obstructive PH)
CSF volume
CSF/ICV(intracranial volume)
cTn-I 2 h PO > 14 ng/mL (cardiac troponin I)
cTnI level on postoperative day
cTnI level on postoperative day 1
CTR level
Cumulative incidence of CKD--5 years post-CS
current smoking
Current smoking tobacco use
CV (cerebellar volume)/EFW(estimated fetal weight)
CVL duration over 3 days
Cyanosis (%)
Cyanosis-In Relation to Lung Function
cyanotic ACHD
cyanotic CHD
cyanotic congenital cardiac disease
Cyanotic heart disease
Cyanotic patients
cytomegalovirus+ donor, cytomegalovirus- recipient
daily steps (steps/d)
Day of discharge--Friday
Day of discharge--Monday
Day of discharge--Saturday
Day of discharge--Sunday
Day of discharge--Thursday
Day of discharge--Tuesday
Day of discharge--Wednesday
days from procedure to stroke
Days in NICU
days intubated, median (interquartile range)
Days on dopamine
Days on fentanyl
Days on midazolam
Days on milrinone
days weaning
daytime nap
daytime nap without poor sleep (severe CHD offspring)
daytime nap without poor sleep (simple CHD offspring)
DCCV--Failed cardioversion
DCCV--TEE guidance
Death (%)
Death (no/yes)
death after operation of different CHD(Pp/Ps>0.75)
death after operation of VSD
death after operation of VSD(Pp/Ps>=0.75)
death during ICU stay
death rate
death rate for adult and children patients with ASD
death rate for adult and children patients with CoA
death rate for adult and children patients with congeital aortic stenosis
death rate for adult and children patients with PDA
death rate for adult and children patients with TGA
death rate for adult and children patients with TOF
death rate for adult patients with CoA
death rate for adult patients with congenital aortic stenosis
death rate for adult patients with EA
death rate for adult patients with PDA
death rate for adult patients with VSD
Death--≥7 Days
Death--≥72 hr
Deep Gray matter(GM) volumn
deeper body temperature during extracorporeal circulation
delayed sleep onset
delayed sternal closure
Delayed sternal closure(children)
Delayed sternal closure(infants)
Delayed sternal closure--≥7 Days
Delayed sternal closure--≥72 hr
Delivery at academic center
depressed morphological right ventricular EF
depressed subpulmonary ventricular EF
depression score (≥3)
depression scores
depression symptom(time 1)
depression symptom(time 2)
Depressive symptoms (Time 1)
Depressive symptoms--Yes/No
derutaion of mechanical ventilation
device assisted feeding at 3 months
device-assisted feeding at 3 months
Diabetes mellitus(percent)
Diagnosed/Treated for Diabets(%)
Diagnosed/Treated for Hyperlipidemia(%)
Diagnosed/Treated for Hypertension(%)
diagnosis of single-ventricle heart defect
diagnosis of TOF and relation with reintervention
diagnosis of truncus arteriosus and relation with reintervention
Diagnosis with higher risk of early death
diagnostic category
Diagnostic data--O2 pre-operation (%)
Diagnostic data--PA pre-operation (mmHg)
diagnostic groups--Mean age
diagnostic groups--Mean valve size
diagnostic groups--Mean valve Z-score
Dialysis support(percent)
Diaphragm palsy--In Relation to Lung Function
Diastolic Blood Pressure(median[IQR]
Diastolic BP
Diastolic BP--CHD before ET
Diastolic pulmonary artery pressure
diastolic pulmonary artery pressure(DPAP)
died after operation
died waiting
died with younger age
Difference between diastolic pressure pre- and post induction
Difference between mean pressure pre and post induction
Difference between systolic pressure pre- and post induction
Differences in inotrope score(IS)
Digoxin (%)
Digoxin therapy
Digoxin treatment
disease complexity
Disease complexity: Consequences and relation with disease complexity
Disease complexity:Emotional representation and relation with disease complexity
Disease complexity:Timeline-cycle and relation with disease complexity
disease factor in Parent-proxy-reported PCQLI
disease factor in Patient-reported PCQLI
Diuretic treatment
Diuretics (%)
Diuretics, mg/kg/day
Diuretics--In Relation to Lung Function
DO2(oxygen delivery)
Dobutamine--≥7 Days
Dobutamine--≥72 hr
donor-recipient race mismatch(risk factors for late-phase mortality)
Dopamine--≥7 Days
Dopamine--≥72 hr
DPAP (mmHg)
Drug exposure--Yes/No
Duration >120h
Duration of antibiotics, d (mean ± SD)
duration of CICU stay
duration of circulatory arrest (min), mean ± SD
duration of DHCA
Duration of heart failure (months)
Duration of ICU stay
Duration of intensive care stay
Duration of mechanical ventilation
Duration of mechanical ventilation (days) of 1month of age and younger
duration of mechanical ventilation (h)
Duration of Medical ventilator(>48 h)
Duration of MV, h--All patients
Duration of MV, h--Patients < 30 d
Duration of PICU stay (days)
duration of post-surgical follow-up
Duration of postop TCHB (Transient complete heart block) (days)
Duration of supplemental O2
Duration of TPN (total parenteral nutrition), d (mean ± SD)
durations of aortic occlusion (x±s, min)
durations of intraoperative extracorporeal circulation (x±s, min)
DV-PIV (median of Mo95th)
Early pregnancy health-Healthy/Illness
ECG parameters--QRS duration (ms)
ECG parameters--QTc (ms)
Echocardiography--LV (systemic) ejectionfraction <35%
Ectopic atrial tachycardia(EAT)
Education of father (<13 years)
Education of mother (<13 years)
educational impairment factor in Patient-reported PCQLI
educational impairment in Parent-proxy-reported PCQLI
educational level
educational level(elementary education only)
Educational status
Educational status of recurrence risk counseling
eduction (associate degree or higher)
EEG as predictor for 18-month BSID
EFBW (Z score) (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
effects of sotalol on maximum heart rate (HR, beats/min) with Holter ECG
effects of sotalol on maximum heart rate (HR, beats/min) with treadmill
effects of sotalol on mean heart rate (HR, beats/min) with Holter ECG
effects of sotalol on minimum heart rate (HR, beats/min) with Holter ECG
effects of sotalol on QTc in V5 (ms)
eGFR(estimated glomerular filtration rate)(ml/min/1.73m2)
Eisenmenger syndrome(ES)
Ejection fraction of SV
elevated creatinine levels
emergency extracorporeal surgery
emotional functioning (time 1)
emotional functioning (time 2)
Emotional limitations domain
Emotional well-being domain
Endocardial cushion defects(ECD)
endothelin receptor antagonism (ERAs)(%)
Endsystolic volume of SV
Endurance time (min)
Energy domain
eNOS expression level
eNOS scores
Environmental Dimensions
epicardial/endocardial pacing
Epinephrine--≥7 Days
Epinephrine--≥72 hr
estimated GFR
Ethnic group:Achang
Ethnic group:Hani
Ethnic group:Jingpo
Ethnic group:Lisu
Ethnic group:Tibetan
Ethnic group:Yi
exclusively unfortified HMD(human milk diet)
executive dysfunction-direct effect on QOL
Exercise O2 saturation (%)
Exercise time
Exercise tolerance (6MWT): Borg dyspnoea index
Exercise tolerance (6MWT): Distance (m)
Exercise tolerance (6MWT): SpO2 post-exercise (%)
exercise-induced PVCs
experiencing operating room (OR) time greater than 4 hours
exposure to black smoke
exposure to calcineurin inhibitors(incidence rate)
exposure to sulfur dioxide
Externalizing: Number of heart operations
extra corporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) use with seizures
extracorporeal circulation time (ECT)
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) at diagnosis
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) at time of diagnosis
Extubation failures
Extubation success rate
Factor related the surgical success rate and comlications for VSD: distance from VSD to AV
Factor related the surgical success rate and comlications for VSD: Procedure time
Factor related the surgical success rate and comlications for VSD: pulmonary arterial hypertension(PAH)
Factor related the surgical success rate and complications for ASD: age
Factor related the surgical success rate and complications for ASD: ASD maximal size
Factor related the surgical success rate and complications for ASD: procedure time
Factor related the surgical success rate for PDA: PDA size
Factor related the surgical success rate for PDA: procedure time
factors affecting late mortality: age at conduit operation
factors affecting late mortality: diagnosis of corrected TGA
factors affecting late mortality: diagnosis of TA
factors affecting late mortality: diagnosis of TGA
factors affecting late mortality: diagnosis of univentricular heart
factors affecting late mortality: gender
Factors associated with CPR z score: CHD diagnosis
Factors associated with Head circumference z score: PRA gene variatnts
Factors associated with Head circumference z score: Race
Factors associated with height z score: Gestational hypertension
Factors associated with height z score: PRA gene variatnts
Factors associated with height z score: pregnancy-induced hypertension
Factors associated with UA-PI z score: PRA gene variatnts
Factors associated with weight z score: Gestational hypertension
Factors associated with weight z score: pregnancy-induced hypertension
Factors associated with weight z score: Race
Factory or landfill nearby--yes
Failed amiodarone (Predictors of Recurrence After First Catheter Ablation)
fair or poor overall health status
false-negative results
Family history with CHD--Yes/No
Family income (<1000 yuan/month)
fast blood glucose level(FPG)
Fasting hyperglycemia(after matched control)
Father age
Father drank before and during the first month of pregnancy (quit or never drank/yes)
Father's age at this pregnancy
Father's education level
Father's occupational exposure (yes/no)
Feeds>100 ml/kg/d
female patients
female sex
Female:male ratio (no. of patients) with ≥45° Scoliosis
fetal intolerance of labor
fetal intolerance of labor(FIOL)
Fetal order
fetal echocardiography (echoCG)
Fetus during pregnancy--Normal/Abnormal
Fetuses with two ventricles : LPA (left pulmonary artery)
Fetuses with two ventricles : PV-Zscore
Fetuses with two ventricles : PV/AoV
Fetuses with two ventricles : RPA (right pulmonary artery)
Fetuses with two ventricles : Sub PV(subpulmonary valve) region
Fetuses with two ventricles: MPA(main pulmonary artery)
Fetuses with two ventricles:PV (pulmonary valve)
FEV1(Forced expiratory vomumn in 1s)
Fibrosis Index--Subgroup: ACHD
Fibrosis Index--Subgroup: Cyanosis
Fibrosis Index--Subgroup: Other congenital
Fibrosis Index--Subgroup: Systemic RV
Fifty-day actuarial survival on the waiting list
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: C) (rs2119289)--Anhui group
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: C) (rs2119289)--Combined
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: C) (rs2119289)--Shandong group
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: C) (rs2119289)--Shanghai group
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: G) (rs2119289)--Anhui group
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: G) (rs2119289)--Combined
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: G) (rs2119289)--Shandong group
FIGN +94762G>C(allele: G) (rs2119289)--Shanghai group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: CC) (rs2119289)--Anhui group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: CC) (rs2119289)--Combined
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: CC) (rs2119289)--Shandong group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: CC) (rs2119289)--Shanghai group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GC) (rs2119289)--Anhui group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GC) (rs2119289)--Combined
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GC) (rs2119289)--Shandong group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GC) (rs2119289)--Shanghai group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GG) (rs2119289)--Anhui group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GG) (rs2119289)--Combined
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GG) (rs2119289)--Shandong group
FIGN +94762G>C(Genotype: GG) (rs2119289)--Shanghai group
filamin A
filamin A expression
final CVP (cardiovascular profile) score
final GFR--hematocrit (hct)
findings of post-operative WPA
FiO2 concentration
FIOL if SGA (10–90th%) birthweight
FIOL if SGA (<10th%) birthweight
FIOL if underwent IOL(Induction of labor)
five-year death rate in hyponatraemia patients
Five-year freedom from IE
Fizzy or high energy every day
FL (Z score) (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
fluoroscopy times
Fluoxetine (SSRI) dose and exposure time during pregnacny
Fluoxetine prescription dose
FLV (frontal lobes volume) /EFW (estimated fetal weight)
FMD (flow-mediated dilatation)
folate concentration(ng/ml)
folic (acidpredictor of PH)
folic acid level
Folic acid supplementation
Folic acid supplements--yes
follow up PR interval(ms)
Fontan procedure
fontan status (Predictors of Recurrence After First Catheter Ablation)
Food types eaten 3 or more times per week(Oranges, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, kiwi, cantaloupe, lemons, limes)
forced expiratory volume in the first second(FEV1)%
forced vital capacity(FVC)
formula fed
freedom from complications in postoperative course
frequencies of MTHFR gene 677 TT genotype in CHD children
frequencies of MTHFR gene 677 TT genotype in the mothers
Frequency of distal displacements of palmar axial triradius and Multiple Axial Triradii( palmar main line)(both hands, negro race)
Frequency of distal displacements of palmar axial triradius and Multiple Axial Triradii( palmar main line)(both hands, white race)
Frequency of distal displacements of palmar axial triradius and Multiple Axial Triradii( palmar main line)(left hand, white race)
Frequency of distal displacements of palmar axial triradius and Multiple Axial Triradii( palmar main line)(total, negro race)
Frequency of distal displacements of palmar axial triradius and Multiple Axial Triradii( palmar main line)(total, white race)
frequency of hemorrhagic tendency
fresh frozen plasma (FFP) exposure
Frontal FMBV Z-score
Frontal FMBV>p95
Functional status <50%(percent)
Functional status--Consequences and relation with funcional status
Functional status--illness coherence and relation with funcional status
Functional status:Emotional representation and relation with functional status
Functional status:Timeline-cycle and relation with functional status
Functional status:Treatment control and relation with funcional status
Functionally univentricular cardiac anomaly
fungal infection after cardiac surgery with CHD children
FVC(forced vital capacity)
Galectin‐3 (μmol/L)
GDF-15 level in age
GDF-15 level in different cardiac medication
GDF-15 level in different NYHA functional class
GDF-15 level in different pulmonary pressure
GDF-15 level in sex
GDF-15 level of different sinus rhythm
GDF-15 plus NT-proBNP
GDF-15(Growth differentiation factor 15)(pg/ml)
GEC T score(Brief parent-report) of early-term birth
GEC T score(Brief self-report)
Gender (% female)
Gender (% male)
gender (Male vs Female)--isolated CHD
Gender of children
General health domain
General QOL Dimensions
General QOL Dimensions (quality of life,QOL)
General recognition index
genotype of AhR p.Arg554Lys(Arg/Arg)
Genotypes of SNP rs2243890 A>G in RCAN1.4 promoter region
gestational age
Gestational age < 37 wks
Gestational age at birth(week)
gestational age at delivery
gestational age at delivery with cardiac complication
Gestational age, wks
Gestational age<36 weeks
gestational weeks until aware of pregnancy
GGC repeat ≥13
GIT symptoms--Abdominal distension (Positive, percent)
GIT symptoms--Abdominal pain (Positive, percent)
GIT symptoms--Age at onset of symptoms (<6 month) (percent)
GIT symptoms--Diarrhea (Negative, percent)
Glial scars
glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
glutathione S-transferase mu1 (GSTM1) expression
goiter (n,%)
Grade III degree of cardiac disease complexity
Gray matter(GM) volumn
greater parental medical stress in Parent-proxy-reported PCQLI
gross motor
growth differentiation factor-15(GDF-15)
Growth, left PT (planum temporale)
GSE(General Self-Efficacy)
gynecologic examinations (yes/no)
H2S( predict dynamic and obstructive PH)
haem levels- postoperatively
haem levels-6h postsurgery
haem levels-presurgery
Haemoglobin(Hb) (g/dL)
Hand grip strength in kg
hArg levels
having oxygen saturation levels less than 85%
having two or more indicators
having two to four indicators
hazardous alcohol use
HB (gm/dl)
HbA1c level(%)
HC Z-score
HC Z-score (head circumference)
HCT (Hematocrit) (%)
Hcy and H2S(predictor of PH)
Hcy(predict dynamic and obstructive PH)
Hcy(predictor of PH)
HDL cholesterol
head circumeference-for-age z score at 3 months
Head circumference
Head circumference (mm)
Head circumference z score
Health Outcomes
health status
health-related quality
health-related quality of life (HRQoL)---General health
health-related quality of life (HRQoL)---Physical component summary
health-related quality of life (HRQoL)---Physical functions
Heart failure medication
heart failure occurance
Heart failure--≥7 Days
Heart failure--≥72 hr
heart rate
Heart rate (Delta-HRp)
Heart rate (peak)
Heart rate (rest)
Heart rate at rest (1/min)
Heart Rate Max(/min)
heart rate recovery 1 minute (beats/min)
heart rate recovery 2 minute (beats/min)
heart rate recovery 3 minute (beats/min)
heart rate recovery 5 minute (beats/min)
heart rate reserve
Heart rate reserve (10 beats/min)
Heart rate reserve (beats/min)
Heart rate(chronotropic index)
Height (cm)
height (per cm)
Height for age z-score
height(cm, median)
Height, cm
Height-In Relation to Lung Function
Hematocrit (%)
hematocrit level
hematocrit, Hct (%)
Hemoglobin (g/dl)
hemoglobin B, Hb (g/L)
hemoglobin level
HFSS with arrhythmia requiring treatment
HFSS with CV hospitalizations
HFSS with different outcomes
HFSS with the composite
HGB (Hemoglobin) (g/dL)
high blood pressure
high depression scores
High homocysteine Adult >15 μmol/l;child >10 μmol/l
high homocysteine and MTHFR C677T
high homocysteine and MTR A2756G
high incidence of left axis deviation of the frontal plane P-wave associated with PLSVC
higher BNP
higher family income
higher incidence of plication
higher levels of anxiety(HADS-A)
higher levels of depression(HADS-D)( (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression subscale)
higher maternal total fat intake
higher parental education
Higher parenting stress
higher plasma creatinine(mg/dL)
Higher pre-Tx mean RAP (only in patients without previous Fontan)
higher preoperative blood urea nitrogen of one month of age and younger
higher prevalence of depression
higher RACHS-1 (risk-adjusted classification for congenital heart surgery) category
higher RACHS-1 (risk-adjusted classification for congenital heart surgery) category of one month of age and younger
higher Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery-1(RACHS-1) category
higher risk of PTB at maternal age(35-39 years)
higher risk of PTB at maternal age(40-44 years)
higher systolic PAP
Higher systolic transpulmonary gradient
Highest inotropic agent score
Highest inotropic agent score of one month of age and younger
highest PCO2 (mm Hg), mean ± SD
Highest SCr (mg/dL)
Highest SCr (mg/dL) of one month of age and younger
hippocampal volumes
hippocampi vulume
history of >1 thoracotomies
History of abortion--Yes/No
history of adverse pregnancy--Yes/No
history of arrhythmia
history of atrial arrhythmias
history of cardiac arrhythmia
History of cardiac surgery
history of cardiac surgery(children)
History of CHD repair surgery
History of father with CHD
history of IE(infective endocarditis)
History of mother with CHD
History of preterm birth
History of previous surgery
History of smoking tobacco use--Yes/No
history of spontaneous abortion (yes/no)
Histroy of prior cesarean birth
HMGB1(high-mobility group box 1)
HMGB1(high-mobility group box 1), ng/ml
Homoarginine(hArg) levels
homocysteine (μmol/l)
Homocysteine (μmol/L), median (IQR)
homocysteine level(Hcy)
hospital discharge on a Friday or a Saturday
hospital length of stay
hospital length of stay(LOS)(days)
hospital lengths of stay of one months of age and younger
hospital LOS
Hospital mortality
hospital readimission
Hospital stay before 18 months
Hospital stay duration
Hospital stay, d
hospital stays
hospitalization stay length
hours of mechanical ventilation
HR (heart rates)
hsTnT (high-sensitive troponin T)
hydrogen sulfide concentration(H2S)
hyperactivity score
Hypertension(after matched control)
Hypertriglyceridemia(after matched control)
Hypothermia during surgery(mild)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
Hypoxaemia percent(female patients)(
Hypoxaemia percent(male patients)
IART type: CTI/both/non-CTI
iatrogenic abortion
ictal discharges
ICU admission (%)`
ICU stay
ICU stay (day)
ICU stay (days)
ICU stay (hours)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
ICU stay (hours)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
ICU stay, d
If PVC-derived area BSA ≤0.05: Intercept (Predicting CMR AR Fraction)
If PVC-derived area BSA ≤0.05: VTI ratio (Predicting CMR AR Fraction)
If PVC-derived area BSA ≤0.05:PVC-derived area BSA (Predicting CMR AR Fraction)
If PVC-derived area BSA >0.05: Intercept (Predicting CMR AR Fraction)
If PVC-derived area BSA >0.05: VTI ratio (Predicting CMR AR Fraction)
If PVC-derived area BSA >0.05:PVC-derived area BSA (Predicting CMR AR Fraction)
IGFBP7(Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein) (ng/mL)
IL-10 (pg/mL)
IL-6 (pg/mL)
IL-6 and SpO2
illness identity (engulfment)
Illness perceptions: Consequences and relation with male
Illness perceptions: Timeline-cycle and relation with male
Immunglobulin G (> 0 mg g-1rea counted as pathological)
Impact of Anaerobic threshold (Oxygen uptake) on birth weight
Impact of exercise time on birth weight
Impact of peak heart rate (HR) on birth weight
Impact of peak oxygen uptake (V˙ O2) on birth weight
Impact of peak SBP(systolic blood pressure) on birth weight
Impaired exercise capacity
Impaired exercise capacity--Beta-blocker intake
Impaired exercise capacity--Pacemaker
Impaired exercise capacity--Severity of heart defect
impaired heart function
Impaired mental health-related quality of life(HrQoL)
Impaired mental HrQoL(minimally active)
Impaired mental HrQoL--Pacemaker
Impaired physical -HrQoL
Impaired physical HrQoL--Beta-blocker intake
Impaired physical HrQoL--Pacemaker
Impaired poor psychological adjustment- number of significant life events
Impaired poor psychological adjustment-Female sex
Impaired poor psychological adjustment-social support
Impairment of SPVF (subpulmonary ventricular function) ≥1 point p/y
Impairment of SVF (systemic ventricular function) p/y
Impairment of SVF ≥1 point p/y
In vitro fertilization
In-hospital mortality
Inappropriate therapy (shock or ATP)
inattention acore
Incedence of Death
Incedence of heart failure(HF)
Incidence of AE in different operator volume (cases/year)
Incidence of AE(Level 3–5 Adverse Events) in different Operator years in practice
incidence of BA receiving intervention
incidence of BA,bradyarrhythmia
incidence of fetal CHD
incidence of IE in complex CHD
incidence of IE in VSD
incidence of JET receiving intervention
incidence of JET,junctional ectopic tachycardia
Incidence of level 3–5 adverse event(AE) with different age
Incidence of level 3–5 adverse event(AE) with different Hemodynamic risk factors
Incidence of level 3–5 adverse event(AE) with Procedure type risk group
Incidence of preventable AE in different Operator years in practice
incidence of TA receiving intervention
incidence of TA, tachyarrhythmia
incidence rate oflow cardiac output syndrome n(%)
increase of MPV
increase of PDW
increasing maternal tHcy concentration
increasing perception of risk for CHD complications
increasing perceptions of risk for CHD complications
increasing perceptions of risk from not attending follow-up appointments with cardiologist
Increasing rate of Lac
independent predictors of a restrictive lung pattern(Beta-blocker)
independent predictors of a restrictive lung pattern(body mass index, BMI)
independent predictors of a restrictive lung pattern(Complexity)
independent predictors of a restrictive lung pattern(Cyanosis)
independent predictors of a restrictive lung pattern(Pacer)
independent predictors of a restrictive lung pattern(thoracotomies)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity (complexity)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity (cyanosis)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity(age)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity(beta-blocker)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity(BMI)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity(sex female)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity(Thoracotomies)
independent predictors of an impaired exercise capacity: FVC (%predicted)
indexed LV end-diastolic volume (ml/m2)
indexed LV end-systolic volume (ml/m2)
Indoor air ventilation--good
Indoor renovation--Anomalous venous return
Indoor renovation--Complex malformation
Indoor renovation--Conotruncal defect
Indoor renovation--Isolated Cardiac defect
Indoor renovation--Others Subtype for isolated cardiac defect
Infant death
infant gender(male)
Infant mortality rate for CHD in different ethnic
infections associated with implantation
infective endocarditis(IE)
Infusions--Aminocaproic acid
Infusions--Calcium chloride
initial implantation less than two years and relation with the need for reintervention
Initial lactate (mmol/L)
initial post-inflation stent diameter and less than 10 mm relation with the need for reintervention
Inotrope using--≥7 Days
Inotrope using--≥72 hr
inotropic score (μg/kg/min)
inotropic support
INR (international normalized ratio of prothrombin time)
intensive care unit length of stay
intensive care unit(ICU) LOS of one months of age and younger
Interaction of donor age and ischemic time
Intercept(Regression of maximum exercise time to independent variables)
Intercept(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables)
interleukin (IL)-IL-6
interleukin (IL)-IL-8
interleukin (IL)-β
intermediate health(cardiovasscular health)
intermittent conduction noted during complete AV block
internalising problems
Internalizing: % Oxygen saturation
Internalizing: Age at surgical repair
Internalizing: Duration pregnancy
Internalizing: Hypothermia
Internalizing: Number of heart operations
Interval between renovation and moving-in(<1 months in first trimester)
Interval between renovation and moving-in(<1 months)--3 months before pregnancy
Interval, Dx to TDML(thoracic duct mass ligation) (d)
interventional procedures
interventricular dyssynchrony(IVD)
intestinal fatty acid–binding protein(FABP)concentrations
intra-atrial re- entrant tachycardia(IART) different than isolated cavotricuspid isthmus(CTI) first procedure
intra-atrial re- entrant tachycardia(IART) different than isolated cavotricuspid isthmus(CTI) in all follow-up
Intraop. blood loss
Intraop. blood loss (mL/kg)
Intraop. blood transfusion amount (mL/kg)
Intravenous inotropic support(percent)
intraventricular re-routing vs. arterial switch
intubation time
Intubation time (days)
Intubation(after hemodilution on cardiopulmonary bypass)
Ionized calcium
IPPV(intermittent positive pressure ventilation) time (hour)
IQR and GA at fetal testing-- predicted Cognition
IQR using dummy variables for CHD subgroups--IQR vs. Motor
IS (inotropes score, median)
ischemic time
ischemic time (min)
Ischemic time >4 hours
IUS-R(Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-Revised) Total Score
Junctional acceleration (JA)
Kidney Injury Molecule(KIM 1)(pg/mg)
Laboratories on PCICU admission--PCO2
Laboratories on PCICU admission--pH
Laboratories on PCICU admission--PO2
lactate 60 min after bypass, mean ± SD
Lactate Level≥4.2--≥7 Days
Lactate Level≥4.2--≥72 hr
Lactic acid post-operation
Lapse of medical care
larger main PA(pulmonary artery)
Latest Echo--SAVVR grade
Latest Echo--Systemic ventricle EF (%)
LCS (Bayley-III Language Composite Score)
LCS at 12 months of age
LCS(Regression model, step 1)
LCS(Regression model, step 2)
LDL-cholesterol (association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine as continuous variables and CHD risk)
LDL-cholesterol (male patients)(mg/dl)
LDL-cholesterol(cut off>3.3mmol/l)(association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine and CHD risk)
LDL-cholesterol, mmol/l
Least-Concentration to the Systemic-Recirculation concentration Ratios (CL/CR) Obtained From Arterial Dilution Curve
left bronchial area
left frontal beta power
left frontal polar beta power
Left heart obstruction
Left sided lesions(LSL)
Left Thoracotomy on the Prevalence of a High Thoracic Curve
left ventricle ejection fraction
Left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)
Left ventricular end diastolic volume index
left ventricular end-diastolic diameter
left ventricular internal dimensions indexed by body surface areas(LVID/BSA)
left ventricular obstruction (aorta stenosis)
left ventricular systolic dysfunction
Left-to-right shunt (L/min)
length of hospital stay
length of hospital stay (x±s, d)
length of ICU stay
Length of ICU stay(>3 days)
length of stay > 14 days
Length of stay in hospital, days
length of stay in ICU
length of stay in ICU(hours)
length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) (x±s, h)
length of stay in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)
Length of stay(LOS) (days)
length of tube carring after operation
Length z score
Length--Pre-operation Z scores
length-for-age z score
length-for-age z score at 3 months
length-for-age z score at 6 months
lengths of intensive care unit(ICU LOS)(days)
lesions: tetralogy of Fallot
lesions: valvular aortic stenosis
levels of cumulative fluid overload 2 days after surgery (x±s, %)
levels of cumulative fluid overload 3 days after surgery (x±s, %)
Linear Analog Scale Quality of Life(LAS QOL)
Live newborns
Living independently from parents
Ln(log transformed) NT-pro BNP
log HF (high frequency component of the heart rate variability)
log LF (low frequency component of the heart rate variability)
Log(NT-proBNP)--RACHS-1 (≤2)
Log(NT-proBNP)--Time points (12 h after surgery)
log10 NT pro-BNP
Logistic EuroSCORE I
Logistic Organ Dysfunction System(LODS)
logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: RACHS score
logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: RACHS score(Neonates, operations requiring CPB)
logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: RACHS score(neonates≤30 days)
logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: Transformed age (days)
logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: Transformed weight (kg)
logistic regression analysis and risk of mortality: Weight (kg)(neonates≤30 days)
Loneliness(time 1)
Loneliness(time 2)
long donor heart ischemic time
longer aortic cross clamping time
longer bypass time
longer cardiopulmonary bypass time
longer duration of ventilation
longer hospital stay
longer hospitalization
Longer ischemic time
longer procedures
Longer total duration of intubation
LOS > 14 days (%)--No
LOS > 14 days (%)--Yes
LOS > 14 days--Yes/No(Multivariate analysis of the factors associated with read- mission at 30 days for CHD)
LOS hospital (days)
LOS PICU (days)
Low birthweight (<2,500 g)
low folate levels and MTHFR A1298C
low folate levels and MTR A2756G
low folate levels and MTRR A66G
Low folate≤11.33nmol/L
Low heart rate reserve (<70 bpm)
Low mental HRQoL-Female sex
Low mental HRQoL-social support
Low physical HRQoL-Educational level
Low physical HRQoL-Female sex
Low physical HRQoL-Maximum physical capacity
low T1(baseline) PHC(perveived health competence)
low-density lipoprotein–cholesterol
low-flow bypass time (min), mean ± SD
lower BMI
lower device acceptance
lower FPG
Lower level of New York heart association class(NYHA)
lower mental health scores(SF36—Mental Component Summary)
Lower patient weight
lower preoperative serum creatinine of one month of age and younger
lower preoperative serum creatinine of one months of age and younger
lower resting oxygen saturation
lower SaO2
lowest PaCO2 (mm Hg), mean ± SD
lowest PCO2 (mm Hg), mean ± SD
lowest PO2 (mm Hg), mean ± SD
lowest SaO2(arterial oxygen saturation)
Lowset temperature
LST (Land surface temperature)
Lung function test: FEV1, L--In Relation to Lung Function
Lung function test: FVC, L--In Relation to Lung Function
Lung hypoperfusion at birth--In Relation to Lung Function
LV deceleration time
LV ejection fraction
LV systolic dyssynchrony index (SDI)
LVEDP(left ventricular end-diastolic pressure)(mmHg)
LVET (left ventricular ejection time)
LVMPI (left ventricular myocardial performance index)
Lymphocyte count(
Lymphocyte count(>cut off value)(children)
Lymphocyte count(>cut off value)(infants)
Lymphocytes/WBC(>cut off value)(children)
Lymphocytes/WBC(>cut off value)(infants)
Lys allele distribuctions of AhR p.Arg554Lys
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys combined with maternal exposure
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys combined with maternal somking
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys combined with paternal exposure
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys combined with paternal somking
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys without maternal exposure
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys without maternal somking
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys without paternal exposure
Lys/Lys and Arg/Lys without paternal somking
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) language development
Magnesium values at 18 hours after bypass
Magnesium values at 6 hours after bypass
maintenance dose of sotalol
major complication during interventional procedures
major complications with younger age
major determinants of a higher cNCR (impaired NCR) in the complex patients: cPST
major determinants of a higher cNCR (impaired NCR) in the complex patients: log HF
major determinants of a higher cNCR (impaired NCR) in the complex patients: log LF
major determinants of a higher cNCR (impaired NCR) in the complex patients:ANP(natriuretic peptides)
major determinants of a higher cNCR (impaired NCR) in the fontan patients: c-β
major determinants of a higher cNCR (impaired NCR) in the fontan patients:cPST
major visible congenital anomalies
Male Gender
male gender(GMI scores 1 SD below normal)
Male of one month of age and younger
male sex-direct effect on executive dysfunction
male sex-indirect effect on QOL
manifestation of postinterventional IE
Maternal age
Maternal age--20 ~ 24 years
maternal B-mode ultrasound examination (yes/no)
Maternal characteristics:Total- Age (<20 years)
Maternal characteristics:Total- Age (≥40 years)
maternal diabetes
maternal education level(college and above)
maternal education level(low:compulsory only)
Maternal education level--Junior school
maternal exposure combined with Arg/Arg
Maternal exposure to dyes, lacquers, or paints at work
Maternal exposure to organic solvents at work
maternal fever (yes/no)
Maternal hospital transfer
maternal infection (yes/no)
maternal insulin use
maternal medication (yes/no)
maternal mental stress
Maternal overall exposure to chemicals at work
maternal residence(urban)
maternal smoking combined with Arg/Arg
Maternal smoking or exposure to ETS--yes
maternal tHcy concentration
maternal upper respiratory infection (yes/no)
maternal upper respiratory tract infection/ influenza during early pregnancy with CHD in offspring
maternal upper respiratory tract infection/ influenza during early pregnancy with simple CHD in offspring
maternal upper respiratory tract infection/ influenza during early pregnancy with TOF in offspring
maternal upper respiratory tract infection/ influenza during early pregnancy with VSD in offspring
Maternal vitamin D level
Maternal vitamin D receptor gene Fok1 alleles: f
Maternal vitamin D receptor gene Fok1 genotype: F/F
Maternal vitamin D status: Deficient
Maternal vitamin D status: insufficient
Max ET(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables)
Max HR(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables)
Maximal HR at peak exercise (/min)
maximal workload
maximum heart rate (1/min)
maximum heart rate under exercise (beats/min)
Maximum HR(heart rate)(Regression of maximum exercise time to independent variables)
maximum SBP under exercise (mmHg)
maximum systolic blood pressure (mmHg)
MCA RI <10th percentile (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
MCA RI <5th percentile (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
MCA RI/UA RI <1 (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
MCA-PI Z-score
MCA-PI Z-score (middle cerebral artery)
Mean age at implantation
Mean age at listing (years)
mean BSID cognitive score
mean cognitive
Mean corpuscular volume (fL)
mean for Child fussiness 6 months
mean for Child internalizing problems 18 months
mean for maternal distress 18 months
mean for maternal distress 36 months
mean for maternal distress 6 months
mean Fractional anisotropy of all significant clusters in acyanotic CHD
mean Fractional anisotropy of all significant clusters in cyanotic CHD
mean global brain volumes , TBV(all pre and post-operative data)
mean ICU stay
Mean initial lactate level
Mean length of hospital stay in days (range, SD)
mean MCA-PI Z-score
mean medium area percent
mean medium thickness percent
mean mental developmental index(MDI) at 6 months
Mean number of surgeries
mean PAP(pulmonary artery pressure)
Mean Pap(pulmonary artery pressure)(mmHg)
Mean platelet volume (MPV)
mean psychomotor developmental index(PDI) at 12 months
mean psychomotor developmental index(PDI) at 6 months
mean pulmonary arterial pressure(mPAP)
Mean pulmonary artery pressure
mean pulmonary artery pressure(mPAP)
mean regional brain volumn, Deep GM(all pre and post-operative data)
mean regional brain volumn, GM(all pre and post-operative data)
mean Right atrial pressure (mRAP)
mean right atrial pressure(MRAP)
mean RV/FA pressure ratio
mean systolic gradient
Mean total IQ
Mean VE/VCO2 slope
mean vessel diameter
Mechanical circulatory support
Mechanical ventilation
Mechanical ventilation (%)
mechanical ventilation and SpO2
mechanical ventilation duration
Mechanical ventilation, d
Median age at listing (years)
median length of stay in patients
Median RDW
Medical history: Cardiac medication before therapeutic intervention and relation with Externalizing
Medical history: Palliative intervention before therapeutic intervention and relation with total problems
MEE(measured resting energy expenditure)
Memory deficits( GMI≤85)
Men-BMI (Complex lesions 18–40 years)
Men-BMI (Simple lesions 18–50 years)
Men-Height (Complex lesions 18–40 years)
Men-Height (Simple lesions 18–50 years)
Men-Weight (Complex lesions 18–40 years)
Men-Weight (Simple lesions 18–50 years)
Mental component summary (% of predicted)
Mental component Summary(MCS)
mental componet summary score(MCS)
Mental Development Index (MDI)
mental health problems
mental health-related quality of life (HrQoL)
mental stress during early pregnancy
metabolic syndrome criteria met(after matched control)
metabolic syndrome in patients with central obesity(after matched control)
Metacognition Index T score(Brief parent-report)
METs (metabolic equivalents)
Mid-arm circumference (cm)
Mid-chestcircumference (cm)
mid-diastolic flow reversal
Milrinone of one months of 1 month of age and younger
minor complications with younger patients
miR-19a level
Moderate or severe PAH (Systolic pressure ≥50 mm Hg.)
Moderate to severe scoliosis--In Relation to Lung Function
Moderate to severe systemic ventricular dysfunction--In Relation to Lung Function
Moderate-to-severe dilation of systemic ventricle
moderate/severe brain leision
moderate/severe non-systemic ventricular dysfunction
Modified Ross score
morbidly obese
more cardiac surgeries prior to heart transplant
more pessimistic view of life and health
mortality at 10 years stratified by age under and over 35 at pulmonary valve replacement(expected)
mortality at 10 years stratified by age under and over 35 at pulmonary valve replacement(observed)
mortality event rates of hyponatraemic(after 1 year follow up)
Mortality of CHD in the neonatal (<28day) period
Mortality of CHD in the postneonatal (28-364 day) period in different ethnic
mortality rates stratified by age (more than 1 year old)
mortality rates stratified by body weight (more than 5kg)
mortality rates stratified by CPB time (more than 60min)
mortality rates stratified by Cyanosis (no-cyanosis)
mortality rates stratified by gender (girls)
mortality rates stratified by RACHS-1 (1 and 2)
Mortality--All patients
Mother age
Mother's age at this pregnancy
Mother's education level
mothers' drug exposure during gestation
mother’s emotional warmth
MPA(main pulmonary artery) of AcTc
MPA(main pulmonary artery) of InTc
mPAP (mean pulmonary artery pressure)
mPAP (mean pulmonary artery pressure) (mmHg)
MPAP (mmHg)
MPAP(mean puomonary arterial hypertension) (mmHg)
MPV value
MR-proADM 24 h PO > 1.5 nmol/L
MTHFR C677T polymorphic(TT+CT)
MTHFR C677T polymorphic(TT+CT) and MTRR A66G polymorphic(AG+GG)
MTHFR expression
MTRR A66G polymorphic(AG+GG)
Multi-system organ failure
multiple procedures with DHCA
Multiple sternotomies (≥2)-In Relation to Lung Function
Multiple stress events >3
Multiple thoracotomies (≥2)--In Relation to Lung Function
MV duration (hours)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
MV duration (hours)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
MV time (hours)
MVsat (%)
Myocardial gene expression: β1-receptor
Myocardial gene expression: β2-receptor
myocardial preservation(Cold blood cardioplegia (4:1))
myocardial preservation(HTK: histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate)
Myocardial β2-receptor gene expression
N-acteyl-a-Dglucosaminidase (> 11 Ug-1crea counted as pathological)
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide(NT-proBNP)
N-terminal proB-type natriuretic peptide levels >125 pg/mL(NT pro-BNP)
nadir temperature (℃), mean ± SD
narrowest diameter of the stenotic vessels (mm)
Nationality (%)--Not Swiss
Nationality (%)--Swiss
NCR (negative chronotropic response) (bpm)
NE (norepinephrine level) (pg/mL)
need for emergency admission
Neonatal asphyxia or hypoxia (yes/no)
neonatal clinical variables: Episode of low cardiac output or shock
neonatal clinical variables: Highest prostaglandin dose 0.05 g/kg/min
Neonatal death
neonate mortality in 9 years
Neonate transferred
neonate weight
neurocognitive deficits
Neutrophil count(>cut off value)(children)
Neutrophil count(>cut off value)(infants)
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels (NGAL)
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin(NGAL)-after operation at once
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin(NGAL)-after operation for 24h
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin(NGAL)-before operation
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin(NGAL)-immediately after operation
Neutrophils/WBC(>cut off value)(children)
Neutrophils/WBC(>cut off value)(infants)
new house repair or relocation (yes/no)
New onset of arrhythmias
new onset of arrhytnmias
New York Heart Association functional class (patients in class 3 and 4)
New York Heart Association functional class greater than II
New York Heart Association(NYHA) functional class >II
New York heart functional classification
new-onset stroke
NGAL levels throughout the first 6 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation days
NICU admission
nitric oxide (NO)
NLRP3(nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like (NOD)-like receptor protein 3)
NLRP3(nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like (NOD)-like receptor protein 3), ng/ml
No complications
No events of Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS)
no folic acid used by the mother
No shock
No therapy delivered (shock or ATP)
no-smoking behavior
No. (intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia)IART induced
No. events of Atrial Fibrillation(AF)
No. events of Heart Failure
No. events of Ischemic Stroke
No. of postoperative arrhythmias
No. of RBCs transfusions
nocturnal awakenings
non-Hispanic white
nonurban location
normal placenta
Nosocomial IE
not having a job (Job seeking, unemployed or disability)
NT pro-BNP
NT-pro-BNP (pg/mL)
NT-pro-BNP(female patients)(pg/ml)
NT-pro-BNP(pg/ml)(N-terminal pro type brain natriuretic peptide)
NT-pro-BNP, ng/l
NT-proBNP level
NT-proBNP levels
NT-proBNP [pg/mL]
NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro–brain natriuretic peptide--Intercept
NT-proBNP--Age (Infants <1 y)
NT-proBNP--Age (Neonates <30 d)
NT-proBNP--CPB time, min
NT-proBNP--DHCA (no)
NT-proBNP--RACHS-1 (≤2)
NT-proBNP--Serum creatinine, mmol/L (Postoperative)
NT-proBNP--Time points (1 h after surgery)
NT-proBNP--Time points (12 h after surgery)
NT-proBNP--Time points (Before surgery)
NT-proBNP--Weight, kg
NT-proBNP–brain natriuretic peptide--Intercept
number of cardiac procedures before stroke diagnosis
number of Cardiovascular Risk factors(Intermediate Risk 3-4)
number of Cardiovascular Risk factors(Intermediate Risk >5)
number of Cardiovascular Risk factors(Low<2)
number of days withholding enteral feeds
Number of Duration of postoperative TCHB (Transient complete heart block) ≥7 days
number of offspring with CHD(mother with diabetes mellitus, type 1)
number of offspring with CHD(mother with diabetes mellitus, type 2)
number of offspring with CHD(mothers with anemia)
number of offspring with CHD(mothers with congenital heart defects)
number of offspring with CHD(mothers with connective tissue disorders)
number of offspring with CHD(mothers with epilepsy)
number of offspring with CHD(mothers with hypertension)
number of offspring with CHD(mothers with mood disorders)
Number of operations
number of patients recovered AVC within 12 days
Number of patients taking full oral feeding at discharge (n, %)
number of previous pregnancies
number of procedures
number of spontaneous abortions
number of surgeries
Number of surgical procedures
Numbers of CHD patients needed to treat (NNT) with palivizumab for prevention of one hospitalisation: 12 -24 months
Numbers of CHD patients needed to treat (NNT) with palivizumab for prevention of one hospitalisation: < 6 months
Numbers of CHD patients needed to treat (NNT) with palivizumab for prevention of one hospitalisation: <12 months
Numbers of CHD patients needed to treat (NNT) with palivizumab for prevention of one hospitalisation: <24 months
NYHA (% in class I/II/III)
NYHA class
NYHA class I/II/III/IV (%)
NYHA class II
NYHA class--Class III
NYHA class--Class IV
NYHA class>2
NYHA decreased cardiac function class≥2
NYHA functional class
NYHA functional class I/II/III (%)
NYHA III-IV--In Relation to Lung Function
NYHA more than level III (n)
O2 saturation (%)
Obese patients: Lesion type acyanotic
Obese patients: Lesion type complex
Obese patients: Lesion type cyanotic
Obesity BMI ≥ 30 (Women)
Occipitofrontalcircumference (cm)
occupational statuses of the mothers (Blue collar)
odd ratios of CHD by Education of mother (<13 years)
odd ratios of CHD by Family income (<1000 yuan/month)
odd ratios of CHD by Gestational diabetes
odd ratios of CHD by History of father with CHD (Yes)
odd ratios of CHD by History of mother with CHD
odd ratios of CHD by Maternal characteristics Age (≥40 years)
odd ratios of CHD by Pregnancy-induced hypertension
odd ratios of CHD by Pregnant infection
odd ratios of CHD by Total- Birthweight( 2500-<3000g)
odd ratios of CHD by Total- Birthweight(<2500 g)
odd ratios of CHD by Total- Gestational age (37 weeks)
odd ratios of CHD by Total-Age (0-<1 months)
odd ratios of CHD by Total-Age (1-<2 months)
odd ratios of CHD by Total-Age (2-<3 months)
OER(Oxygen extraction rate)
offspring age
Older recipient age
Onset of heart failure to listing (months)
Ontario score
Open chest
open sternum
open-heart surgery
Operation time (min)
operative results: died
operative results: good
operative results: unsatisfied
operative vaginal delivery rate
Organ Dysfunction and/or Infection (ODIN)
outcome measured by cardiovascular compromise
outcome measured by death
outcome measured by end organ dysfunction
outcome of ischemic placental disease
outcome of severe maternal morbidity
overall mean vessel diameter
Overall mortality
overall mortality rates
overall positive score
Overweight patients: Lesion type complex
Overweight patients: Lesion type cyanotic
Overweight patients:Lesion type acyanotic
Oxygen delivery
Oxygen saturation
Oxygen saturation (%)
Oxygen saturation (resting) %
Oxygen saturation <90%
oxygen saturation at rest(%)
oxygen saturation below 90%
oxygen saturation per 1% decrease
Oxygen saturation(%)
Oxygen saturation-In Relation to Lung Function
oxygen uptake(Anaerobic threshold)
P-selectin (ng/mL)
P-selectin candidate gene SNPs---825T/C:TT
P-selectin candidate gene SNPs---827T/C:CT
P-selectin candidate gene SNPs---827T/C:CT+CC
P-selectin expression in different SNPs in CHD
P-selectin expression in different SNPs in controls
P-selectin expression in different SNPs in PAH-CHD
P-selection with sildenafil treatment
P-wave Dispersion(PWD)
PA sat (%)
PA/VSD(risk factors associated with redo PVR)
PAC indexed
Pacemaker (% with)
Pacing mode (VVI/DDD)
PADP(pulmonary artery diastolic pressure) (mmHg)
PAH percent(female patients)(
PAI-1 (ng/mL)
Pain domain
Panel reactive antibodies >10%(percent)
PAPd (mm Hg)
PAPm (mm Hg)
PAPs (mm Hg)
parenchymal hemorrhage
Parent corrers' scaning ADHD Index T score
Parent domain at 12 months of age
Parent domain at 6 months of age
parent posttraumatic stress in Parent-proxy-reported PCQLI
parent posttraumatic tress in Patient-reported PCQLI
parental periconceptional exposure
parenternal nutrition
parenting stress
Parents' highest education high school graduate or less
Paroxetine prescription dose
Partial pressure of oxygen
Participation in sports
PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure )mmHg
PASP(pulmonary artery systolic pressure) (mmHg)
PATD(pulmonary artery trunk diameter) (mm)
paternal exposure combined with Arg/Arg
paternal race (Hispanic foreign born)
paternal race (Hispanic U.S. born)
paternal race (white non-Hispanic)
Paternal raised blood pressure
paternal smoking combined with Arg/Arg
patient age
patient posttraumatic stress in Patient-reported PCQLI
Patient rights and information
Patients who underwent palliation
Patients with Fontan palliation or Eisenmenger physiology (%)
patients with QRS ≥180 ms
patients with RACHS 4
Patients with residual (Resid) left ventricular (LV) valvular lesions
PDI (psychomotor development index) score
PDW value
Peacemaker (%)
Peak A (m/s) (Postoperative diastolic parameters, day 1 to 3)
peak concentration of dilution curve(B)(mg./L.)
Peak E/A (Postoperative diastolic parameters, day 1 to 3)
peak heart rate
Peak heart rate (10 beats/min)
peak heart rate (HR)
Peak lactate in first 24 hours
peak oxygen consumption
Peak oxygen consumption (pV02)
peak oxygen uptake
Peak oxygen uptake (% of predicted)
Peak oxygen uptake (%predicted)
peak oxygen uptake (V˙ O2)
Peak pulse (beats/min)
Peak VCO2 mL/kg/min
Peak VE/VCO2(Regression of maximum exercise time to independent variables)
Peak VO2
Peak VO2 (ml/kg/min)
Peak VO2 mL/kg/min
peak workload
Pediatric cardiac visits at least once per year
pediatric intensive care unit(PICU) length of stay
Percent of Dementia Events without acquired cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus
Percent of Dementia Events without extracardiac defects
Percent of fQRS (fragment QRS)
Percent of LCHB for patinets with duration of postoperative TCHB ≥7 days
percent of patients with diaphragm plication
percent of prolonged QRS complexes (QRS ≥120ms)
percent of requiring ECMO(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)
Percent of surgical procedures (≥3)
percent of the presence or absence of a circulatory shunt, determined from the intraoperative curves
percent predicted forced expiratory flow rate at 50% of forced vital capacity(FEF50)
percent predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s(FEV1)
percent predicted peak expiratory flow rate(PEFR)
Percentage age-predicted heart rate (ml/kg/min)
percentage of abnormal screening CHD in worst case scenario
percentage of abnormal screening in best case scenario
percentage of abnormal screening in worst case scenario
percentage of cardiovascular risk factors
Percentage of exercise intolerance in EA
Percentage of exercise intolerance in Single ventricle s/p Fontan
Percentage of exercise intolerance in TOF
percentage of missed prenatal screening of CHD
percentage of missed prenatal screening of CHD in the worst case scenario
percentage of Restrictive lung disease(RLD) in ccTGA
percentage of Restrictive lung disease(RLD) in EA
percentage of Restrictive lung disease(RLD) in Single ventricle s/p Fontan
percentage of Restrictive lung disease(RLD) in TOF
percentage predicted peak heart rate
Pericardial effusion
perinatal mortality
Perioperative IE
perioperative vancomycin use
Peritoneal dialysis
permanent postoperative complete heart block (CHB)
Pesticide exposure--Yes/No
PH -admission of TGA
PH--≥7 Days
phosphodiesterase (PDE )-5 inhibitors (%)
physical appearance(time 1)
physical appearance(time 2)
Physical component summary (% of predicted)
physical component summary score(PCS)
Physical Dimensions
physical exercise>3h/week
Physical functioning domain
physical funtioning(time 1)
physical health limitaions
physical health-related quality of life (HrQoL)
Physical injury fears
Physical limitations domain
Physically active (age-specific guidelines)
PICU length of stay
PICU stay (days)
PIGF(placental growth factor)
piperacillin-tazobactam(incidence rate)
Placental weight
plasma connective tissue growth factor(CTGF)
plasma CTGF
plasma CTGF and BNP
plasma CTGF and Oxygen saturation
plasma glucose
plasma P-selectin concentration
Plasma TXB2 levels
Plasma viscosity 11.3s-1(CPS)
plasma-acylated ghrelin levels
platelet distribution width (PDW)
Pleural effusion--≥7 Days
Pleural effusion--≥72 hr
Pleural hemorrhages--≥7 Days
Pleural hemorrhages--≥72 hr
PLT (Platelet) count (×103)
Pneumonia--≥7 Days
Pneumonia--≥72 hr
Pneumothorax--≥7 Days
Pneumothorax--≥72 hr
pNF-H and SpO
POD1 NIRS cutoff value of <80%
Poor diet(low fruit & vegetable)
poor health(cardiovasscular health)
poor self-esteem in Patient-reported PCQLI
poor sleep
poor sleep combined with daytime nap (severe CHD offspring)
poor sleep combined with daytime nap (simple CHD offspring)
poor sleep quality
poor sleep without daytime nap (simple CHD offspring)
poor sleep without daytime nap(severe CHD offspring)
poorer child self-esteem in Parent-proxy-reported PCQLI
Positive blood culture--≥7 Days
Positive blood culture--≥72 hr
positive family history
post operative infection, n
post-op duration of mechanical ventilation
post-operative brain injury
post-operative hospitalization time
Post-operative infection
post-operative mortality
post-operative stroke
post-partum hemorrhage
post-treatment MPI T/B ratio in PAH patients(moderate/severe:mild)
Postop. b-type natriuretic peptide (Pg/mL)
Postop. blood loss (mL/kg)
Postop. blood transfusion amount (mL/kg)
Postop. c-reactive protein (mg/L)
Postop. CRP (mg/L) (I vs II)
Postop. CRP (mg/L) (I vs III)
Postop. CRP (mg/L) (I vs IV)
Postop. CRP (mg/L) (II vs IV)
Postop. CRP (mg/L) (III vs IV)
Postop. initial lactic acid level (mmol/L)
Postop. PCT (ng/mL) (I vs III)
Postop. PCT (ng/mL) (I vs IV)
Postop. PCT (ng/mL) (II vs IV)
Postop. prealbumin (mg/L)
Postop. procalcitonin (ng/mL)
Postop. serum albumin (g/L)
Postop. serum creatinine (μmol/L)
Postop. Serum globulin (g/L)
Postop.maximum increasing rate of lactic acid (mmol·L-1·h-1)
postoperative mPAP
Postoperative PH--≥72 hr
postoperative platelet transfusions
postoperative pulmonary hypertension
postoperative rhythm of the heart(III° AVB)
postoperative rhythm of the heart(II° AVB)
Postoperative TnT (ug l-1)
Postponed sternal closure
Postprocedure/ICU factors: Unexpected readmission to ICU (%)
PR interval >200 ms
pre-operative abnormal thyroid function test
pre-pregnancy diabetes
Pre-TDML side of the pleural effusion
pre-treatment MPI T/B ratio in moderate/severe PAH patients
preconceptual folic acid supplementation period
predicted FEV1
predicted FEV1(volume of air exhaled in first second of forced expiration)
predicted FVC
predicted FVC(forced vital capacity)
predicted peak heart rate
predicted peak VO2
predicted VO2(max)
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) externalising: hospitalisations with reoperations
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) externalising: pacemaker
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) externalising: restricions by scar experienced by patients
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) internalising: hospitalisations with reoperations
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) internalising:hospitalisations without reoperations
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) total problems: cardiac diagnosis:VSD
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) total problems: hospitalisations with reoperations
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) total problems: hospitalisations without reoperations
prediction of YABCL(Young adult behavior checklist) total problems: restricions by scar experienced by patients
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported) total problems: cardiac diagnosis: scar judged by physician
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported) total problems: maximum exercise capacity in
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported) total problems: restricions by scar experienced by patients
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported) total problems: restricions imposed by physician
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported) total problems:sex(male)
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)externalising: cardiac diagnosis:TGA
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)externalising: cardiac diagnosis:VSD
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)externalising: restricions by scar experienced by patients
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)externalising: scar judged by physician
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)internalising : maximum exercise capacity in
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)internalising : restrictions by scar experienced by patients
prediction of YASR(Young adult self reported)internalising :sex(male)
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of mental component summary of the SF-36(MCS): emotional representation
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of physical component summary of the SF-36(PCS): emotional representation
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of physical component summary of the SF-36(PCS): timeline-cycle
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of physical component summary of the SF-36(PCS): treatment control
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of physical component summary of the SF-36(PCS):consequences
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of symptoms: illness coherence
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of symptoms: timeline-cycle
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of symptoms:consequences
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of worries: emotional representation
predictive value of illness perceptions for QOL of worries:consequences
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: CPB time ≥78 min
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: NT-BNP preoperative ≥3.4 log
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: Age ≤6 months
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: NT-BNP-peak ≥4.22 log
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: Postoperative lactate ≥3.4 mmolyl
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: RACHS-1 category
Predictor indications of prolonger PICU) stay: Troponine postoperative ≥4.4ng/ml
predictor of a worse general perception of QOL
predictor of a worse QOL on environmental dimension
predictor of a worse QOL on physical dimension
predictor of a worse QOL on psychological dimension
predictor of cerebellar volumes in association with static balance
predictor of cerebellar volumes in association with working memory
predictor of hippocampal volumes in association with outcome with total IQ
predictor of hippocampal volumes in association with perceptual reasoning
predictor of mortality: Age
predictor of mortality: Anti-coagulant
predictor of mortality: Atrerial oxygen saturation
predictor of mortality: Diuretics
predictor of mortality: low glucose(<80)
predictor of mortality: NYHA class
predictor of mortality: Peak VO2(per 1.0ml/kg/min)
predictor of reporting social problems
predictor of total white matter in association with pure motor
predictor of total white matter in association with verbal comprehension
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: ACEI/ARB
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: Age
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: Anti-coagulant
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: Atrerial oxygen saturation
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: BNP(per 10 pg/ml)
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: Diuretics
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: High AUC PG(>6.165)
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: IGT/DM vs NGT
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: low glucose(<84)
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: norepinephrine(per 100 pg/ml)
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: NYHA class
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: Peak VO2(per 1.0ml/kg/min)
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: renin activity(ng/ml/h)
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: SV systolic function
predictor of unscheduled hospitalization: use of β blocker
Predictors of arrhythmia recurrence--Atrial fibrillation
Predictors of arrhythmia recurrence--Fontan physiology
Predictors of arrhythmia recurrence--Moderate-severe systemic ventricular dysfunction
Predictors of arrhythmia recurrence--Prior Mustard procedure
Predictors of procedural failure--Atrial fibrillation
Predictors of procedural failure--Class III agents
Predictors of procedural failure--Fontan physiology
Predictors of procedural failure--Non-Fontan single-ventricle physiology
Predictors of procedural failure--Spontaneous echocardiographic contrast
Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(age)
Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(forced vital capacity)
Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(Oxygen saturation at rest)
Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(peak oxygen uptake)
Predictors of survival in logistic regression model for all 1281 patients with valid cardiopulmonary exercise test(thoracotomies)
predischarge SAVV regurgitation grade
Predischarge TTE-- Systemic ventricle dysfunction
Predischarge TTE--SAVV regurgitation
Predischarge TTE--Systemic ventricle EF
preferring drink to solids
Pregestational Diabetes
Pregnancies complicated by CHD with aortic obstruction (AO)
pregnancy malnutrition during pregnancy
Pregnancy-related stress
premature birth
premature birth (≤37 weeks)
premature birth-direct effect on executive dysfunction
premature birth-indirect effect on QOL
premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
Prematurity(<36 weeks)
prenatal diagnosis
Preop. coagulation abnormalities (no/yes)
Preop. EF(%)
Preop. PCO2, mmHg
Preop.lung infection (no/yes)
preoperative activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
preoperative ADAMTS-13 activity of <64.6%
preoperative brain injury
preoperative cyanosis
preoperative digoxin exposure
preoperative left ventricular dysfunction
preoperative mPAP
Preoperative MV--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
Preoperative MV--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
preoperative NYHA class I
preoperative pulmonary hypertension
Preoperative SCr (mg/dL)
Preoperative serum blood urea nitrogen of age and younger
Preoperative serum creatinine of age and younger
Preoperative signifi cant arrhythmia (%)
Preoperative TTE--Systemic ventricle dysfunction
Preoperative TTE--Systemic ventricle EF
Preprocedure factors: Prostaglandin maximum dose
Prescriptions in the first three months of pregnancy of the anti-clotting medication aspirin
Prescriptions in the first three months of pregnancy of the anti-clotting medication enoxaparin
presence of HF
presence of prosthetic material with recurrent IE
presence of siblings
Present medical status Scar judged by physician and relation with Internalizing
Preterm birth <37 week
preterm birth<32 weeks
preterm birth<37 weeks
prevalence of ASD among CHD patients
prevalence of CHD
prevalence of CHD in different altitudes
prevalence of CHD in different birthweight(g)
prevalence of CHD in different gestation age
prevalence of CHD in different maternal age
prevalence of CHD in different sex
prevalence of CHD in live births
prevalence of diagnoses: Closed ASD/VSD
prevalence of diagnoses: Cyanotic (non- Eisenmenger)
prevalence of diagnoses: Eisenmenger
prevalence of diagnoses: Fontan
prevalence of diagnoses: Mechanical valve prostheses
prevalence of diagnoses: Open ASD
prevalence of diagnoses: TGA atrial switch
Prevalence of first and second-degree relatives
Prevalence of first-degree relatives
prevalence of hyponatraemia in NYHA class
prevalence of moderate or severe GFR impairement
prevalence of moderately and severely reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
prevalence of parent reported executive dysfunction
prevalence of persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC)
prevalence of postoperative intestinal perforation
prevalence of severe CHD(mothers with congenital heart defects)
prevalence of severe CHD(mothers with diabetes mellitus type 2)
Previous atrial fibrillation
Previous cardiac procedure
Previous cardiac surgeries--AVSD repair
previous cardiac surgery
Previous classical Glenn operation
Previous congenital heart surgery
Previous Fontan operation
previous intracardiac repair
Previous operations>2
previous shunt
previous surgery for CHD
Previous surgery for scoliosis-In Relation to Lung Function
Previous transplantationa status: HR for all-cause mortality
Previous transplantationa status: HR for cancer
primary graft failure
Prior catheter ablation
Prior DCCV
prior history of heart failure
Prior maze procedure
Prior surgical maze (Predictors of Recurrence After First Catheter Ablation)
PRISM score: 7 days after admission
pro-BNP (pro-brain natriuretic peptid)
problematic alcohol use
PROCAM health check
PROCAM health check and sex
PROCAM quick check
PROCAM quick check and sex
procedural failurerate
Procedure-type categories 3
Procedure-type categories 4
prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass(risk factors for early-phase mortality)
prolonged procedure time
prolonged time to plication
prone domain of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale(P-AIMS)
Proportion of ASD with first cousins
Proportion of AVSD with first cousins
proportion of expected abnormal in best case scenario
proportion of expected abnormal in worst case scenario
proportion of high-risk scores on the BASC
proportion of male
Proportion of Pulmonary atresia with first cousins
Proportion of Pulmonary stenosis with first cousins
Proportion of VSD with first cousins
Prostaglandin use (n (%))
PST (cardiac parasympathetic nervous tone) (bpm)
Psychiatric care/counseling
Psychological Dimensions
Psychomotor Development Index (PDI)
Psychomotor Development Index (PDI) score
pulmonary arterial hypertension (systolic pressure ≥50 mm Hg)
pulmonary arterial resistance(Rp)
Pulmonary artery areas were correlated with body surface area
pulmonary artery diameter, PA (mm)
pulmonary artery diastolic pressure(PADP)
pulmonary artery flow(Qp)
Pulmonary artery resistance(PAR)
Pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP)
pulmonary artery systolic pressure(PASP)
pulmonary AV valve regurgitation
pulmonary blood flow divided by body surface area
Pulmonary blood flow(Qp)
pulmonary blood flow/systemic blood folw(Qp/Qs)
pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension (mild/moderate/severe)
Pulmonary hypertension (No%)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
pulmonary hypertension(>60 mmHg)
Pulmonary hypertension--In Relation to Lung Function
pulmonary insufficiency(PI)(minimal)
pulmonary regurgitation
pulmonary vascular iNOS expression level
pulmonary vascular resistance
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)/systemic vascular resistance (SVR) after Acute vasoreactivity test(AVT)
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)/systemic vascular resistance (SVR) at baseline
Pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) after Acute vasoreactivity test(AVT)
Pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) at baseline
pulmonary vascular resistance index(PVRi)
pulmonary vascular resistance(PVR)
pulmonary vascular resistance/systemic vascular resistance(PVR/SVR)
Pulmonary vasodilators--In Relation to Lung Function
pulmonary ventricle/systemic ventricle ratio
pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio
pulmonary-to-systemic resistance ratio(Rp/Rs)
pulmonic regurgitant fraction
Pulse pressure
PV (mm)
PV areas were correlated with body surface area
PV(peak velocity) of MPA(main pulmonary artery)
PV-MPA(main pulmonary artery)--after oxygen administration
PV-MPA(main pulmonary artery)-before oxygen administration
PV/AoV ratio
PVR (dyne s cm-5)
PVR (dyn·s/cm5)
PVR (pulmonary vascular resistance)
PVR (pulmonary vascular resistance) (WU m2)
PVR indexed
PVR/SVR ratio
PVRi (dyne s cm)
PVRi(pulmonary vascular resistance index)
Qp (L/min/m2)
Qp(pulmonary flow)
Qp/Qs (L/min/m2)
Qp:Qs ratio
Qpi (pulmonary blood flow index)
QRS complex duration (ms)
QRS duration
QRS duration (ms)
QRS duration >=5ms/year
Qs (L/min/m2)
Qsi (systemic blood flow index)
QT dispersion
QT dispersion(QTd)
quality of life(Linear analog scale, LAS)
Quality of life-score (Bodily pain)
quantitative indexes: RPEP
quantitative indexes: RPEP correlation with systolic and mean pulmonary artery pressure
quantitative indexes: TPV
quantitative indexes: TPV correlation with systolic and mean PA pressure
quantitative indexes: TPV/RVET
quantitative indexes: TPV/RVET correlation with systolic and mean PA pressure
RACHS-1 category
RACHS-1 category of one month of age and younger
RACHS-1 ranking
RACHS-1 risk grade 1
RACHS-1 score=4-6
RAm (mm Hg)
RAP (mmHg)
rate of brain growth in white and gray matter
rate of growth globally and in white and deep gray matter
ratio of B/A(peak concentration of dilution curve/amount of dye injected)
RBC folate concentration
RBC transfusion
Re operation (%)
Re-intubation--≥7 Days
Re-intubation--≥72 hr
Re-operation within admission
Real GDP (Gross domestic product)
receiving diuretics(%)
receiving medical intervention
recent arrest
recent necrosis
Recipient age of CHD(with or without ventricular assist device,VAD)
Recreational drug use
Red blood cell folate(ng/mL), median (IQR)
Red blood cell transfusions
reduced (0.3-0.5) systemic left ventricle ejection fraction(LVEF)
Reduced high-density lipoprotein(after matched control)
Reexploration all (including reexploration for bleeding and reintervention
reintervention age
reintervention time of valve type
Reintubation--≥72 hr
relation between hyponatraemia and death
Relation between Maternal vitamin D level and VDR gene Fok1 polymorphism among cases: Maternal vitamin D level
Relation between Maternal vitamin D status and VDR gene Fok1 polymorphism among cases: Defieient
relationship between DpCO2 and central venous oxygen saturation(ScvO2)
relationship between fibrosis index and EDVi (end-diastolic volume index )
relationship between fibrosis index and EF (ventricular ejection fraction)
relationship between FiO2 at departure and arterial pH on arrival at level III NICU
relationship between FiO2 at departure and oxygen saturation on arrival at level III NICU
relationship between in matching pair mother and chlidren:rs 1801131 AA(mother)
relationship between in matching pair mother and chlidren:rs 1801133 CC(mother)
relationship between in matching pair mother and chlidren:rs 1805087 AA(mother)
relationship between in matching pair mother and chlidren:rs 2124459 CC(mother)
relationship between in matching pair mother and chlidren:rs 2850144 CC(mother)
Relationship between symptom distress and perceived health
relationship with geographical variability and diagnostic rates
relative average miRNA-208 expression in children with oxygen saturation below 90%
Relative BMI(Regression of maximum exercise time to independent variables)
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:age
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Cyanosis during exercise
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Dizziness
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Edema
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:male
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Nycturia
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:NYHA-II
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:NYHA-III
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:NYHA-IV
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Orthopnea
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Palpitations
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Shortness of breath walking 1-5 km
Relative importance of individual symptom to perceived health:Shortness of breath walking<100 m
relative levels of expression of miRNA-208a
relative miR-204 expression after surgery
relative miR-204 expression before surgery
relative miR-204 expression in mild group
relative miR-204 expression in severe group
Relative mortality risk after pulmonary valve replacement(age brackets of 35–40)
Relative mortality risk after pulmonary valve replacement(age brackets of 40–45)
Relative mortality risk after pulmonary valve replacement(age brackets of >50)
relative risk for Child fussiness 6 months
relative risk for Child internalizing problems 36 months
Relatvie risk for maternal distress 36 months
Relatvie risk for maternal distress 6 months
Renal failure--≥7 Days
Renal failure--≥72 hr
Renal replacement
Renal replacement of 1month of age and younger
renal rSO2--30 minutes before cardiopulmonary resuscitation
reoperation (%)
repair or previous stemotomy: single/>=2 (%)
Reperfusion time(min)
reported worse quality of life
RER at peak exercise
Residual anomaly--≥7 Days
Residual anomaly--≥72 hr
Residual lesions at conception: Any risk factorsa (%)
Residual lesions at conception: Branch pulmonary artery stenosis or occlusion (%)
Residual lesions at conception: Pulmonary regurgitation ≥ grade II (%)
respective percentage in the overall Austrian pediatric background population
Respiratory complications
Respiratory complications--≥7 Days
Respiratory complications--≥72 hr
respiratory failure
Resting HR (/min)
Resting pulse (beats/min)
Return to SWC (Sleep-wake cycle)
RF success of IART different than isolated CTI dependent IART
right bronchial area
right PV area was correlated with right PBF
Right Thoracotomy on the Convex Side of a High Thoracic Curve
Right Thoracotomy on the Prevalence of a High Thoracic Curve
right ventricular assist device(RVAD)
right ventricular diameter(RVD)
right ventricular ED (mm)
right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF)(%)
Right ventricular ejection fraction(RVEF)
Right ventricular end systolic volume index(RVESVi)
right ventricular regurgitant volume
Right ventricular strain (%)
right ventricular systolic dysfunction
right ventricular systolic pressure(RVSP)
right ventrlcular failure
Risk Adjusted classification for Congenital Heart Surgery, version 1, > 3
risk event rate[B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) level]
risk event rate[Sodium level]
risk factor correlated with primary outcome: 2V-RV
risk factor correlated with primary outcome:: NYHA
risk factor for acute kidney failure: age
risk factor for AKI: age
Risk factor of AIT: BMI<21 (ref=BMI>25)
Risk factor of AIT: goiter
Risk factor related the occurrence of complications for PBPV: Body weight
Risk factor related the occurrence of complications for PBPV: PS degree
Risk factor related the occurrence of complications for PDA
Risk factor related the occurrence of complications for VSD: device size
risk factors for all the events (early and late death): preoperative mechanical ventilation
risk factors for all the events (early and late death): urgency status
risk factors for conduit failure: age at conduit operation
risk factors for conduit failure: conduit size
risk factors for Conduit failure: diagnosis of TGA
risk factors for conduit failure: type of prosthsis: homograft
risk for heart failure in patients with miscellaneous
risk for heart failure in patients with pulmonary valve replacement
risk for heart failure in patients with Single ventricle
risk for heart failure in patients with TGA (atrial diversion procedure
risk for heart failure in patients with TOF
risk for heart failure in patients with transanular patch
risk of bearing birth to SGA of different age(<25 years)
risk of death in different stage number of NEC patients
risk of IE with foreign material implantation
risk of IE with foreign material implantation undergoing cardiac catheter interventions
risk of IE with foreign material implantation undergoing cardiac surgery
risk of IE with pacemaker implantation
risk of neonatal death according to the cord blood concentrations of NT pro-BNP and cTnT
risk of neonatal death for a single ventricle score
risk of postoperative JET
risk of preterm birth birth to SGA of different age(30-34 years)
risk of preterm birth of different age(30-34 years)
risk of preterm birth of different age(35-39 years)
risk of preterm birth of different age(40-44 years)
risk of preterm birth of different age(<25 years)
risk of preterm birth to SGA of different age(35-39 years)
risk of preterm birth to SGA of different age(40-44 years)
risk of PTB
risk of SGA
role limitations because of physical and/or emotional problems
RR interval (ms)
rSO2 cutoff value of <75%
rSO2 nadir
rSO2 nadir of less than 20% stauration
RSV hospitalisation rates in CHD of age <12 months
RSV hospitalisation rates in CHD of age <24 months
RSV hospitalisation rates in CHD of age <6 months
RSV hospitalisation rates in CHD of age with 12-24 months
RV/FA pressure ratio
RVD1 (right ventricular midcavity diameter)
RVD2 (right ventricular long-axis diameter)
RVDT(right vertricle diameter) (mm)
RVEDV(right ventricular end-diastolic volume from the normal value) (% of normal)
RVET (right ventricular ejection time)
RVMPI (right ventricular myocardial performance index)
RVP (mmHg)
RVSP(right ventricular systolic prssure) (mmHg)
S.aureus as causative organism
Saline contrast echocardiography: The incidence of such shunting
SaO2, %
Satisfaction of with Life Scale(SWLS)
satisfaction with life scale(SWLS)
SAVV repair (Commissuroplasty, Cleft closure, Leaflet resection, Annuloplasty)
SAVV replacement (Mechanical, Bioprosthetic)
SCAS(Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale) total score
scTnI (sensitive cardiac troponin I)
seizure with stroke
selective extracorporeal surgery
self-efficacy (GSE, general self-efficacy)
Self-reported maternal clotting disorder
Sensitivity (%)
Separation anxiety
Sepsis--≥7 Days
Sepsis--≥72 hr
seraphin(duration of drug administration)
seraphin(frequency of adverse events)
Sertraline (SSRI) dose and exposure time during pregnacny
Sertraline prescription dose
Serum alkaline phosphatase (IU/l)
serum and RBC folate concentration
Serum antigliadin IgA (IU/ml)
Serum antigliadin IgM (IU/ml)
Serum calcium (mg/dl)
serum creatinine
serum creatinine levels (x±s, mg/dL)
serum creatinine of HLHS patients
serum creatinine of TGA patients
serum creatinine(>cut off value)(infants)
serum creatinine(female patients)(mg/dl)
serum creatinine(male patients)(mg/dl)
Serum Creatinine(mg/dL)
serum Cys C levels
serum CysC on PODS2 (post operative day 2)
serum folate concentration
Serum folate(ng/mL),median (IQR)
serum glucose
serum insulin
Serum iron (mcg/dl)
serum lactate
serum lactate of HLHS patients
serum level of Leptin
serum level of leptin in A-CHD patients
serum level of leptin in C-CHD detected by catheter
serum level of leptin in C-CHD detected by ECHO
serum level of leptin in C-CHD patients
serum level of PD-ECGF
serum level of VEGF
serum level of VEGF in C-CHD patients
serum levels of PD-ECGF in A-CHD patients
serum levels of PD-ECGF in C-CHD detected by catheter
serum levels of PD-ECGF in C-CHD detected by ECHO
serum levels of PD-ECGF in C-CHD patients
serum levels of VEGF in A-CHD patients
serum levels of VEGF in C-CHD patients
serum levels of VEGF in C-CHD patients detected by catheter
serum levels of VEGF in C-CHD patients detected by ECHO
Serum TIBC (mcg/dl)
serum uric acid(female patients)(mg/dl)
serum uric acid(male patients)(mg/dl)
serum Vitamin B12 concentration
SES(socioeconomic status)
severe CHD lesion
severe neonatal morbidity and mortality
severe pulmonary hypertension
severe pulmonary regurgitation
severe pulmonary regurgitation or depressed subpulmonary ventricular EF
severe systemic ventricle dilation
Severity(Regression of VE/VCO2 at peak exercise to independent variables)
sex (n, %)
Sex(Regression of maximum exercise time to independent variables)
SGA birth
SGA birthweight (<10th%)
short durations of hospital stay
short sleep duration
significant comorbidity
Single ventricle anatomy with thrombosis
single ventricle physiology
single ventricle score
Single ventricle(SV)
Small for gestational age
small for gestational age infant(SGA)
smoking behavior
smoking cigarettes
smoking history
SMWTd (six-minute walk test distance) test after being treated with bosentan for 0-6months
SMWTd test after being treated with bosentan for 1-2years
SMWTd test after being treated with bosentan for 6-12months
SNPs in children: MTHFR gene rs1801131:AA
SNPs in children: MTHFR gene rs1801131:AA:AC:CC
SNPs in children: MTHFR gene rs1801131:AC
SNPs in children: MTHFR gene rs1801131:AC+CC
SNPs in mothers: MTHFR gene rs1801131:AA
SNPs in mothers: MTHFR gene rs1801131:AA+AC
SNPs in mothers: MTHFR gene rs1801131:CC
Social domain
social functioning(time 1)
social functioning(time 2)
Social relationships Dimensions
Socioeconomic status (SES)
Soluble suppression of tumorogenicity 2 (sST2)
Some activity restrictions
Sotalol (%)
SPAP (mmHg)
Spirometry suggestive of restrictive lung disease
spitting food
SpO2 concentration
sport participation
sputum production
sST2 levels
STAT category
Status I at initial listing
Stay at PICU, d--All patients
Stay at PICU, d--Patients < 30 d
stays in intensive care unit
Stentless(risk factors associated with redo PVR)
stroke incidence of different age
stroke incidence of different defect
STS(Society of Thoracic Surgeons) risk grade(children)
STS(Society of Thoracic Surgeons) risk grade(infants)
subaortic ventricular outflow tract gradient (gradient >30mmHg)
subaortic ventricular outflow tract gradient (mmHg)
subject reported receiving counseling on folic acid supplementation
Supplemental O2 (%)
Surface area limbic cortices/mesocortices
surface area temporal lobes
Surfactant administration
surgery age <3 years old
surgery for 'septal defect'(ASDs,VSDs,AVSDs)
Surgery start (day of life)
Surgery--Yes/No(Multivariate analysis of the factors associated with read- mission at 30 days for CHD)
Surgical complexity (RACHS-1 category I)
Surgical history: Previous thoracotomy--In Relation to Lung Function
Surgical history:Previous thoracotomy--In Relation to Lung Function
surgical intervention
Surgical or percutaneous intervention
surgical procedures in proximity to the AV block node
surgical procedures including closure of VSD
Surgical risk(RACHS) scores
surgically corrected ACHD
survival percentage
survival propability
survivor length of stay (LOS) in ICU
survivor length of stay (LOS) in ICU >= 2days
survivor with different NT pro-BNP
Suspected sepsis(incidence rate)
SV and dialysis
SV and reoperation
SV and ventricular assist
Symptom effects
symptomatic ACHD with lower FPG
symptomatic arrhythmia during pregnancy
Symptoms on presentation
systemic atery systolic blood pressure(SBP)
Systemic Atrioventricular Valve (SAVV) , shunts
systemic right ventricle
systemic use of hormones
systemic ventricle dilation
systolic blood pressure
systolic blood pressure(SBP) across the stenosis (mm Hg)
Systolic blood pressure(SBP) at CICU admission
systolic BP
Systolic BP--CHD before ET
Systolic pulmonary artery pressure
systolic pulmonary artery pressure(SPAP)
t-PA (ng/mL)
t-PA with Tadalafil administration
t-PA(tissue-type plasminogen activator)
taking antibotics during perinatal period
taking antibotics in early pregnancy
taking antifungal drugs during perinatal period
taking antifungal drugs in early pregnancy
taking cold medicine during perinatal period
taking cold medicine in early pregnancy
taking drugs during perinatal period
taking other drugs in early pregnancy
taking salicylates during perinatal period
taking salicylates in early pregnancy
taking two kinds of medicines
TAPSE (tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion)
TC (total cholesterol)
teacher reported attention problems
Temperature (℃)
temporary third degree atrioventricular (AV) block
term delivery
Tetralogy of Fallot repair
thalamus volume
thalmai volume
the amount of pleural drainage before and after the initial TDML
The association between Fractional anisotropy and working memory
The Baley III cognitive composite score (CCS)
The C-index
the direct aortic surgery
the duration of hospital stay in survivors with NEC
the frequency of cardioversion after ablation
the frequency of episodes of documented IART per patient-month after RF ablation
the frequency of hospital visits per patient-month after RF ablation
the frequency of preablation cardioversions
the growth rate of the anterior planum temporale
the growth rate of the Heschl’s gyrus
the history of aorto-pulmonary shunt
the history of direct aortic surgery
The mean bias for daily steps (steps/d)
The mean number of risk factors
the mean value of AcTc in the main PA(MPA)-after oxygen administration
the mean value of AcTc in the main PA(MPA)-before oxygen administration
the mean value of InTc in the main PA-before oxygen administration
the mean value of InTc in the main PA-InTc-after oxygen administration
The mediating role of parenting stress in the association between cyanotic CHD and internalising problems
the mother's education status (Low education level)
the motor composite score
the mutant allete AC of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) A1298C AC
the mutant allete C of 5, 10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) A1298C C
the mutant allete CT of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T CT
the mutant allete T of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T T
the mutant allete TT of 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T TT
The mWHO risk classification
the peak velocity of tricuspid regurgitation, TRV (m/s)
the presence of > 4 ICD-9 diagnoses (other cardiac diagnoses or comorbid conditions) during the index hospitalization
The prevalence of effusion
The ratio of 9:13-HODE at both start and end of CPB/cell-free plasma hemoglobin
the RV/FA ratio
The second submodel Log(NT-proBNP)
The second submodel Log(NT-proBNP)--1 h after surgery
The second submodel Log(NT-proBNP)--12 h after surgery
the total number of cardiovascular (TPc) or offspring risk predictors (TPo)
theatre time (including elective and emergency surgery)
threatened abortion in early pregnancy
Time from surgery(not in prior 14 days)
Time from surgery(within prior 14 days)
Time since initial arrhythmia (years)
Time to extubation, hours
time to minimum regional volume for each of the segments
TIMP2(Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases 2)
TISS score: 7 days after admission
TISS-28 score
TIV (total intracranial brain volume) /EFW (estimated fetal weight)
TM with Tadalafil administration
Tmin (℃)
Tmin (℃) of one month of age and younger
total bilirubin
total brain volume
total brain volumes
Total bypass time (min)
total bypass time (min), mean ± SD
Total cholesterol (association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine as continuous variables and CHD risk)
Total cholesterol(male patients)(mg/dl)
Total cholesterol, mmol/l
Total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol
Total cross clamp time (min)
Total days of ventilation
total duration of central venous catheter (CVC)
total health risk score
Total homocysteine, umol/l
total IQ in CHD patients
total length of stay
total no. cardiovascular predictors
Total novel variants
total number of central venous catheter (CVC)
Total Posttraumatic Symptom score
Total problem score: Hypothermia
Total problem score: Number of heart operations
Total protein (> 150 mg g-1crea counted as pathological)
total protein: pathological analyses range Number
total pulmonary resistance index(TRPI)
total pulmonary resistance(TRP)
Total severity score
total stress at 12 months of age
total support time (min), mean ± SD
Total- Birthweight(<2500 g)
Total- Gestational age (<37 weeks)
Total-Age (0-<1 months)
Total/HDL-cholesterol(cut off>3.5 mmol/l)(association between maternal lipids and total homocysteine and CHD risk)
transcutaneous oxygen saturation
Transferrin (> 0 mg g-1crea counted as pathological)
transfusion volume (x±s, mL)
transposition of great arteries(TGA)
treatment anxiety(Time 1)
Treatment Experience
Trial of labor attempted
Tricuspid Regurgitation(TR)(minimal)
Triglycerides (male patients)(mg/dl)
troponin I
troponin T
troponin T (TnT)
Troponin-T (ug l-1)
tumor necrosis factor(TNF) α
tumor necrosis factor(TNF-α)
TV (thalamus volume) /EFW (estimated fetal weight)
TV insufficiency velocity (m/s)
Type of congenital anomaly(Cyanotic)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
Type of congenital anomaly(Cyanotic)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
Type of congenital anomaly(Non-cyanotic)--≥7 Days (extended PMV)
Type of congenital anomaly(Non-cyanotic)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
Type of disease--Q20
Type of disease--Q21
Type of disease--Q22
Type of disease--Q23
Type of disease--Q24
Type of disease--Q25
types of bioprostheses-- Mean FU (Follow-up)
types of bioprostheses-- Mean valve size
types of bioprostheses-- Mean valve Z-score
types of bioprostheses--Mean age
Types of initial operation--Arterial switch
Types of operation: Left to right shunt repair
T‑box transcription factor 1 (TBX1) expression
UA RI >90th percentile (ultrasound findings at the third trimester)
Underweight BMI < 18.5 (Men)
underwent ≥ 3 cardioversions
Univentricular anomaly with arch obstruction
univentricular physiology
Urban accessibility
uric acid
Uric acid(umol/L)
uric acid, UA (umol/L)
Urine output
use of cardiopulmonary bypass
use of cardiopulmonary bypass of one month of age and younger
use of milrinone
Use of noradrenalin number of patients (%)
using warfarin(%)
Vaginal infection/thrush
valve surgery
vancomycin(incidence rate)
vascular endothelial growth factor expression
vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)
vasoactive-inotropic score (VIS)
vasoactive-inotropic score (x±s, d)
vasoendothelial growth factor(VEGF)
VE/VCO2 slope
vegetation size >=15mm
vegetation size >=20mm
velocity-time integral (VTIpv)
Venlafaxine prescription dose
venoarterial pCO2 level
Ventilation > 7 days
Ventilation associated pneumonia (no/yes)
Ventilation time (day)
Ventilator days
ventilator support(percent)
Ventricular assist and creatinine>1.5 mg/dL
Ventricular assist and dialysis
ventricular level shunt(Bi-directional)
ventricular level shunt(left-to-right)
ventricular level shunt(none)
ventricular level shunt(right-to-left)
ventricular outflow obstructions
verbal comprehension in CHD patients
very low-density lipoprotein–cholesterol
VIS--≥7 Days
VIS: Vasoactive Inotropic Score--≥7 Days
VIS: Vasoactive Inotropic Score--≥72 hr
vitamin B12 level
vitamin B12(predictor of PH)
VO2 at VAT (% pred)
VO2 Max
VO2(oxygen consumption)/BSA
VO2max (mL/min/kg)
VO2peak(% of predicted)
Volume of RBCs transfusions
Volumn of transfusions
volumns of cerebellum(CBL)
von Willebrand factor(vWF) activity pre-operation
von Willebrand factor: VWF:Ag (U/dL)
VSD closure
VTI A (m) (Postoperative diastolic parameters, day 1 to 3)
VTI E/A (Postoperative diastolic parameters, day 1 to 3)
vWF concentration pre-operation
VWF multimers
VWF:Ag (U/dL)
VWF:Ag with sildenafil treatment
VWF:CB (%)
wall thickness of arteries with external diameter=100-200μm
wall thickness of arteries with external diameter=50-100μm
Warfarin (%)
WBC count
WBC counts(
Wechsler Intelligence Scales:Verbal Comprehension of early-term birth
Weight (kg)
Weight (Kg)--≥72 hr (medium PMV )
Weight (Kg)≥7 Days (extended PMV)
weight (per kilo)
Weight at the first operation, kg
Weight for age z-score
Weight for Height z score
Weight less than 10 Kg and relation with the need for reintervention
Weight mean (range), kg
weight(kg, median)
Weight, kg
Weight, kg--All patients
weight--Pre-operation Z scores
Weight--Statistical significance pre- vs post surgery
Weight--≥7 Days
weight-for-age z score
white matter volume
White matter(WM) volumn
WHO class
WHO FC--Improved (%)
WHO FC--Stabilised (%)
WHO FC--Worsened (%)
WHO function class
WHO functional class
Whole-blood viscosity 11.3s-1(CPS)
Whole-blood viscosity 225s-1(CPS)
with 1 or 2+ variants in PRA gene
with abnormal childbearing history
with cormorbidity
with exercise
with exposure of housing renovation
with family history of CHD
with JET
with LVOTO
with mitral insufficiency(MI)
with prescribed mediations
with residual shunt
with RVOTO
with symptoms
without maternal insulin use
without pre-pregnancy diabetes
Women-Height (Complex lesions 18–40 years)
Women-Height(Simple lesions 18–50 years)
working memory dysfunction
working memory in CHD patients
Working memory:Mean (standard deviation)
Worried about health
Worse attention
Worse verbal memory
Worse working memory
x-clamp time (min)
Year of catheterization
younger age
younger age groups at the time of surgery
Younger recipient age
Z score FEV1
Z score FVC
ZAHARA I risk score
ZAHARA score
[(TIMP2 • IGFBP7)/1000]
\maternal upper respiratory tract infection/ influenza during early pregnancy with complex CHD in offspring
β blocker treatment
β sensitivity of the sinus node
β-blocker (%)
β-blocker at administration of sotalol (n)
β-blockers (%)
β-TG with Tadalafil administration
γGT levels
‘low’ (MAF<0.01)
‘low’ (MAF<0.05)
‘rare’ (minor allele frequency: MAF<0.01)
≤ 2.5 kg at operation
Risk Factor
Risk Factor
Protective Factor
No Influencing Factor
Unrelated Factor
Unknown Factor
CHD Type
CHD Subtype
Choose CHD Subtype
Anomalies of atrioventricular junctions and valves
Anomalies of the atria and interatrial communications
Anomalies of the extrapericardial arterial trunks
anomalies of the venous return
Anomalies of the ventricular outflow tracts
Anomalies of venous return
aorticisthmus stenosis
AP window
apicolateral hypertrophy
arotic aneurysm
arterial duct
ASD with PAH
asymm TAV
atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia
AV block
AV block II
AVSD(combined with collateral vessel)
BiV dd-PBF
BiV dd-SBF
CHD with PAH
Common truncus
Common ventricle
complete TGA
Complex anomalies of atrioventricular connections
complex CHD
congenital pericardial defect
Congenitally corrected TGA (s&p double switch)
Cyanotic non-ES
dysplastic PV
EA of the tricuspid valve
Fenestrated ASDs
hypoplastic mitral and aortic valve
Iliofemoral vein occlusion
Infracardiac TAPVR
intra-atrial reentry tachycardia
ioslated PLSVC
isolated BPAS
LC-RV fistula
Left UVH
Lesions of arteries
Lesions of veins
Long ST
mechanical AVR for BAV
MS with hypoplastic MVD
non C-CHD
non CHD
non-complex CHD
Non-complex defects
Normal echo
other SAS
Palliated UVH
parachute mitral valve
patent ductus
PDA with PAH
persistent ducts
pulmonary trunk
repaired ductus arteriosus
restrictive VSD
right atrial dilatation
Right UVH
Septa and valve abnormalities
Septation defects
Shone's Complex
Sinus venosus ASD
Sinus venosus SD
Subaortic VSD w-PS
Subvalvular or supravalvula PS
superior inferior ventricles
Supracardiac TAPVR
Systemic vein
Taussig–Bing anomaly
Thickened aortic valves
total AVSD
transverse hypoplasia
Triatial heart
Valvular AS
valvulo septal defects
VSD with PAH
CHD Type
Choose CHD Type
isolated CHD
non-isolated CHD
isolated CHD/non-isolated CHD
CHD Subtype
Choose CHD Type First
All rights reserved: Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University